3W science work

Our Year 3’s have been learning all about flowers, paying particular attention to scientific names of the different parts of the flower.

Here are two examples from 3W. Across the year group we have received many beautiful, scientific posters that we have been sharing over the last few days.

James and Alexis have done brilliant pieces of work that they should be very proud of! Keep up all the hard work.

Please keep sending in all your great photos – I love seeing what you are all up to!

Miss W

Extra Curricular Activities!

Harry from 3W has been keen to share all the additional activities he has been up to. As well as doing all his home learning tasks he has learnt lots of different life skills too.

Harry is now a keen gardener, chef and baker – there is no end to his talents!

Well done to Harry and his brother to keeping so busy in this strange time.

Keep up all the hard work boys 🙂

Miss W

P.S. I am expecting to try a piece of your chocolate cake when we go back to school!

3W D&T Recycling Lockdown Project

In Year 3 we planned a D&T day. All tasks revolved around making a character only from items that would be found in your recycling bin. The children of Year 3 really showed us how to do it!

Here are some of 3W’s characters. The creativity and the imagination that these children have shown is absolutely amazing!

Well done to everyone that had a go.

Keep up the hard work!

Miss W 🙂



3W Perimeter Challenge

In 3W we’ve been talking our learning very seriously. We’ve been doing very practical and hands on maths just like we would at school! Here are some pictures of our class doing the at home perimeter challenge.

Well done 3W keep up the hard work! Keep sending me all your pictures so I can post them on the website!

Miss W