PE Kit – 18.06.24 4OP!

Please could 4OP bring their P.E kit into school tomorrow (Tuesday 18th June) as normal.

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw


Good morning year 4!

We hope that you have all have a lovely half term. Tomorrow (Tuesday 4th June), we will be heading to Lichfield Cathedral for our ‘Inspire’ trip. Below are a few reminders for this:

  1. Please ensure you drop your child/children off at 8:15am. We will be leaving promptly at 8:30am.
  2. Please provide your child with a packed lunch in a plastic bag that they can throw away. Any children who are in receipt of free school meals will have a meal provided for them from our school kitchen.
  3. Bring a water bottle for the day.
  4. Any travel sickness medication needs to be handed to the teachers with instructions.
  5. The day ends between 2:00-2:30pm. We will post and ETA on the website and school Facebook page.
  6. Children are required to wear school uniform. Lichfield can be cold even on a hot day so it is recommended that children come with a cardigan/fleece etc.

We are looking forward to the day!

The Year 4 Team

Beech’s Base – DATE SWAP – 4OP and 3L ONLY!

Date change for B.Base – 4OP have swapped with 3L due to their original date clashing with sports day.

Tuesday 18th June = 3L 

Wednesday 19th June = 4OP

I will pop a reminder on the website closer to the time.

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw

Manor – Mrs O/Miss S Group!

Mrs Ollerenshaw and Miss Smith’s group have had a great start with our first activity at Manor! We have had an Areoball tournament and team games! 

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