European Languages Day in 4OP!

We have had a brilliant time looking at why languages are learn! At NJS we focus on French but with so many languages in the world we thought we would look at some new ones!

We discovered how to say ‘My name is…’ Here we are saying my name is in Spanish, German, Italian and Polish!





Well done 4OP!

Plastic bags!

Good afternoon,

In preparation for moving into year 6 in September, we will be sending the children home with all old books tomorrow (19.07.23). Therefore, we kindly request that children come to school with a plastic bag in preparation for this. A simple reusable bag from the supermarket would work well or any bag that could hold a few books. Another option, is to ensure they come in with an emptier bag to fit the books in.

All current books will remain at NJS.

Thank you,

The year 5 team!

Beech’s base 5OP

Hello everyone,

Just to confirm, the children of 5OP are in Beech’s base tomorrow afternoon (18.07.23).

Children can come to school in the appropriate clothes for the session. They will also be swimming in the morning and therefore need to bring swimming kits in as well.

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw


In preparation for an assembly the Guardians of Safety will be hosting on Monday (26.06.23), we are asking for your help! Transition day for some children is a worrying time and the Guardians decided something that would help would be knowing a little about the teacher before hand. With this in mind, we asked all the teachers for 3 facts about them! In assembly, the GOS will be asking the children who they think said what!

In the assembly, the GOS will be sharing some tips on how to manage change and think positively! We hope that this helps children as we prepare for transition day on Wednesday 28th June.

Have a look as a family and see if you can figure out which facts belong to which teacher… all will be revealed on Monday! 

Guess Who! NJS PDF