5H Quiz and Bingo!

Last week we had a virtual 5H quiz – well done and thanks to everyone who joined us! Congratulations to Jack who came 1st!

This afternoon in 5H we played virtual Bingo! It was lots of fun. Congratulations to Faye who won the first 2 rounds, and Heidi who won the third round!

Sadly no usual sweetie prizes can be given out, so school website pride will have to do for now! Anyone in 5H who wants to join us next time, just email me (megan.hardy@taw.org.uk) and I will send you the details. We are taking online security precautions with our video calls. Take care everyone, Miss H xxx

5H message!

Just repeating my message from yesterday- if anyone from 5H is interested in being part of a whole class video call catch up, please email me ASAP (megan.hardy@taw.org.uk) so I can send you the details! Pass the message on to anyone who you think might not have seen this.

Take care, stay safe and miss you loads. Love Miss H xxx



Hi 5H!

I miss you! Had a few requests for us to try and arrange a whole class video call. If you’re keen to join in, please email me so I can reply with the details. (megan.hardy@taw.org.uk)

Lots of love to you all, Miss H xx