Toilet Twinning Final Total – Amazing!

We are delighted to announce that our effort with Toilet Twinning on Friday raised an amazing £335; surpassing our initial aim of £300.

This means that we can twin 5 toilets, including fresh water handwashing facilities, for some of the poorest communities in the world.

A massive thank you to our Global Avengers for the hard work, dedication and passion you have shown over the last few months!

Everyone in the school should feel proud of their part in making this success a possibility. We will update you when we have official confirmation from the Toilet Twinning organisation.

REMINDER: Straight to Church Thursday 30th March

Reminder that we have a whole school church service for Easter on Thursday.  This will be led by Reverend Merry and the Worship Leaders.  Unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate parents for this service.

Doors will be open 8.30am-9am to accommodate the arrival of children.

During the service Reverend Merry would like to offer an agape and the children will have the opportunity to have a drink and a small biscuit.  Please can all children bring a small plastic tumbler (if you have one don’t buy one).

If your child has an allergy, and you are happy to, send an alternative to the biscuit please do so in their school bag.

Thank you for your support.

Yr 5 – Local Area Visit to St.Andrew’s Church

On Thursday afternoon Year 5 will be going on a local area to visit to St. Andrew’s Church, Church Aston – a religious building which is not St. Nicholas” church. Being a local visit all consent was given at the start of the school year as part of the information pack.

We will leave school straight after lunch and we will be back before the end of the school day.

Toilet Twinning at NJS

Wow! What a day!

A huge thank you to each & every child who came to school dressed in BLUE 4 A LOO! You have helped to raise awareness, and money, for people living in global poverty.

The official amount will be added up on Monday, but we have managed to surpass our target and raise OVER £300 for Toilet Twinning – this means we can twin 5 toilets for communities in the poorest areas of the world!

A HUGE thank you to the Global Avengers for their hard work & effort in organising today’s events.

Pictures and more information to follow next week, but a massive thank you for helping our children to become global citizens!


Cake Sale at home time! Friday 24th March

To help with our efforts with Toilet Twinning, some member of Global Avengers will be holding a cake sale at the end of the day (Friday 24th March)

All cakes will be on sale for a voluntary donation. Any money raised will go towards our Toilet Twinning contribution.

This action is something that Global Avengers have decided upon themselves, and demonstrates their desire to help others in need. We are very proud of the courageous advocacy being shown by this group of Yr 5/6 children.

Their will be a cake sale on the Yr 6 gate and one on the main playground gates.