Yr 3 Edgmond Hall Residential

Dear Parents,

Only 5 sleeps to go until the Edgmond Hall trip!! I thought I’d take this opportunity to give you a few reminders for the few days away.

  1. Please remember we are walking to Edgmond and your children are carrying their own belongings! Please pack wisely!!
  2. Medication – this needs to be clearly labelled and have a letter of authorisation to administer with instructions for when/how etc. This all needs to be placed in our medical box which will be located in the hall upon arrival.
  3. Please come to school on Wednesday 20th at normal time and escort your child to the school hall, our meeting point.
  4. Please label everything from pants to towels – everything needs to be labelled with your child’s name.
  5. Children should NOT bring aerosols, electrical equipment, a massive amount of sweets, they will be given sufficient whilst there!
  6. Adults attending the residential are Mr Moody, Mr Lawson, Mr Tipton, Mrs Humphries, Miss Smith & Mr Leonard.

If anyone has any problems or further queries, please email me and I’ll help where I can.

Kindest regards, fingers crossed for a dry few days!!

Mr B Moody


Kit List kit list

Flyer: Edgmond and NJS flyer

Friday 24th – Wear Blue 4 a Loo

A reminder that all children are invited to wear BLUE clothing for a £1 donation tomorrow.

This is to support our efforts in raising money for Toilet Twinning – an official campaign to hep twin our NJS toilets with countries without access to toilet blocks or clean water.

Children are welcome to wear as much or as little blue as they like, and can bring blue wigs etc should they have them available.

Thank you for your support.

Global Avengers.



Year 3 Parents’ Consultation Day Monday 20th March

Dear Parents and Carers,

In case you didn’t receive notification / a letter with reply slip, you are invited to make a 10 minute appointment to discuss your child’s progress, with their teacher, on Monday 20th March.

Year 3 teachers will be available to talk on the phone / Teams video call throughout the morning, and then in person from 1pm onwards, in the school hall.

Please contact your child’s class teacher asap, as appointment times are now more limited. Again, if you are unable to attend on Monday 20th, contact your child’s teacher to make alternative arrangements.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Class 3T

Dear Parents and Carers of 3T,

Following several requests for my email address, please find it below:


Should you need to contact me regarding school matters, please use this email.

Kind regards,

Mr Tipton

Year 3 Homework Spring 2nd half

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find attached the Year 3 Homework and spelling tasks. Children should all have been given hard copies of this by now. Apologies for the late upload!

Homework for Spring 2nd half 2023

Homework for Spring 2nd half 2023 PDF version

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team..