Year 3 Forest School Date Change

Dear Parents,

Just to remind you all, some children came in today and were not aware of the dates for their class trip to Forest School. Please pass on the message below to all year 3 parents you know!
Many thanks,

Mr Butler

Message below: sent Thursday last week.

Due to staff training, we would like to confirm the new dates below as correct for Forest Schools next week. These dates may be different to the ones sent out by letter previously, but are definitely correct:

3P – Tuesday 6th July

3B – Wednesday 7th July

3W – Thursday 8th July

We hope this doesn’t cause any inconvenience – apologies if it does. Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for their class’s day.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Swimming next week

Dear Parents,

Next week, Swimming for Year 3 will be as follows:

Monday 14th June Yellow and Green house team children ONLY, at Newport Swimming Pool. Children will walk to the Pool and back again, within the school day. Please pick up your children from school in the usual way.

Tuesday 15th June ALL year 3 children, at NJS pool.

Please ensure your child has their swimming kit on the relevant days, and also brings in their PE kit on a Monday, to take home on a Friday.

PE kits are essential to have in every day at the moment, as we have to take advantage of hall and field availability to practice sports day events and additional PE lessons, often with short notice.

Thank you for your support with this.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings and Homework for this half term

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings and homework Summer 2nd half 2021

PDF Year 3 spellings and homework Summer 2nd half 2021

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Please find attached the spellings and homework for this half term. Your child should come home with a paper copy of the spelling and homework sheet (not the spelling menu games) today.

Thank you for your continued support and help with this.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 additional swimming dates for first two weeks back after half term.

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 3,

Please note that due to Newport Pool visits, Year 3 will also swim on the following dates during the first two weeks back after half term:

Tuesday 8th June

Tuesday 15th June

Please ensure that ALL children from ALL house teams have their swimming kits on these days.

After this date, Year 3 swimming will revert to Mondays.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 PE kits required all week.

Dear parents,

This is a reminder to ensure your children bring in their normal PE kits on a Monday, to keep in school and take home on a Friday.

Currently, we are doing swimming lessons on Mondays, but we also try to do a separate PE lesson each week in addition to this. Unfortunately, due to bubble organisation rules and timetabling of other events, it is not always easy to predict which day we will be doing PE, so we require the children to be prepared for PE on any given day.

Thank you for your support with this – we appreciate the efforts you are making to prepare your children for their day!

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team