Year 3 Swimming Galas

Dear Parents and carers,

This Thursday 2ND MAY at 2pm, Children from RED and BLUE house will be taking part in their Swimming Gala at Newport Town Swimming Pool.

Yellow and Green team will have their gala next week, on Thursday.

Children in these houses will need their SWIMMING KIT for this day.

AMENDED:  CHILDREN MAY INVITE NO MORE THAN ONE  PARENT to come and watch, from 2pm onwards, as space in the spectator area is limited!

At 3pm, children can be collected from Newport Town Pool and taken home from there, or we will walk back with your children and dismiss them from school in the usual way.

Any children who have clubs after school will need to walk back to school with their teachers.

Any questions, please ask your child’s class teacher before or after school.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 and 4 had a visit!

This morning Year 3 and 4 had a visit from Indi from Telford Gurdwara to talk about Sikhism. He was absolutely brilliant and gave us loads of information! Indi talked about the discipline he must follow in his life since he was baptised and talked all about the Gurdwara. He showed us the 5 K’s and explained what they meant to him and why he carries them. Did you know Sikhs are vegetarians and they never cut their hair! Sikhs believe that we are made in the image of God and God is perfect therefore we must look after what God has gifted to us. We learnt so much about Sikhism and the beliefs that Sikhs follow. Thank you Indi!

3PW reminders WC 15.04.24

Monday: Mrs Pearson all day. Special assembly from the Gurdwara.

Tuesday: Mrs Pearson all day. Cross country event for those children signed up. Library time.

Wednesday: Mrs Pearson all day. Indoor PE.

Thursday: Mrs Wheat all day. Celebration assembly.

Friday: Mrs Wheat all day. Outdoor PE.

Have a lovely weekend everyone! xxx