Year 3 Spellings to be tested Friday 5th October

Year 3 Week 4

Week 4 handwriting homework

Please see the two links above for spellings and homework, both due on Friday 5th October.

Spellings and Tables to be tested on Friday 5th October. Children need to show evidence of having practiced their 2x, 5x and 10x tables in their homework books by writing out tables, parents comment to say they have been tested etc., and writing their spellings, using Look, Cover, Say Write Check method. Children also have a handwriting sheet of their weekly spellings stuck into their orange Homework books. Please watch your child forming letters to check they start and finish letters in the right place on the line. This will enable a more fluent, joined style and allow them to join letters correctly.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

Spellings and Homework Year 3

Year 3 classes have received their homework and spellings today. All classes have their usual 10 spellings. However, this week spellings are also included on their handwriting sheets. Please could children practice both the spellings and handwriting daily for their spelling tests on Friday.

The children have also been reminded to also practice their time tables ready for Friday’s test too.

3J also have an additional piece of maths homework to complete which has been stuck in their homework books. Please complete this on the sheet.

Extra homework: some children have taken it upon themselves and have completed extra homework! How fantastic! Can we please make sure any additional homework that the children may decide to do, is done in homework books so this can be rewarded!

Good luck with the homework guys!

Have a lovely weekend.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Jumpers

Please would parents check if they have any additional jumpers that do not belong to your children. There will be 10 house points to each child who brings a jumper back that is not their own.

Let’s get these jumpers reunited with their owners!

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team

Friday 28th September for Year 3

Please could parents and children be aware of the following;

Tomorrow is the PTA bake sale, there will be house points for any Year 3 children that donate cakes in the morning. Bring them straight to class and the PTA will collect them ready for selling after school!

Friday is also ‘Wear Red Day for Zach’ so children can replace an item of their school uniform with a red piece of clothing. Please may children bring any donations into class in an envelope so we can get this money collected safely so it can go to the cause.

Don’t forget children, that tomorrow is also spelling test and times table day. I’m sure you will have been practicing all week but some of you might want to get some last minute practice in tonight ready for tomorrow!

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Jumpers

Some of our Year 3’s jumpers have gone missing, would all parents please check for extra jumpers they might have acquired over the weeks. If you have jumpers that do not belong to your child please return them school as soon as possible so that we can reunite them with their owners.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Trip Letters

All classes have now received their trip letters for the 8th October to Chetwynd Park. Could you please return only the permission slip as soon as possible so we can ensure all children are able to go. You must keep the letter, we only need the permission slip at the bottom cutting off.

Thank you to the parents who have already returned their letters, it is very much appreciated.

Thank you for your continued support

The Year 3 Team

3J Trip Letters

Dear 3J parents,

Today the 3J children received a trip letter about their upcoming school trip. Please find attached the permission slip and return it at your earliest convenience. 3B and 3P will receive their letters this week.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Watson

Afternoon readers

Please could parents who are interested in volunteering in the Year 3 classrooms to hear children read in the afternoons speak to the Year 3 teachers. We are looking for parents who would be able to come in and help our children progress with their reading.

All volunteers are subject to DBS checks.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 3 Team