Home learning 25.1.21

Hello Year 6,

I hope you have all had a fantastic weekend and are refreshed and ready to go for week 4.

Lessons for today:


monday 25.01.21


lesson 6 25.01.21


lesson 3 Who was Henry VIII


Wk 4 day 1


Don’t forget to send in your work to NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk

The online lesson will be maths

6J @ 9am

6K @10am

6S @11am

Bake with Miss J – Week 3

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you enjoy the recipe for this week… Chilli and Paprika Sausage Rolls! As always, I’ve created a short video to help show some of the process!


400-500g of sausage meat

Ready rolled puff pastry

A pinch of salt and pepper

1 beaten egg in a bowl

For the following herbs and spices… use ½ or 1 teaspoon.

Garlic Granules

Onion powder

Chilli flakes

Chilli powder


 Set your oven to 200 degrees, 180 degree (Fan) or gas mark 6.

  1. Set up two baking trays with baking paper. Split your ready rolled pastry in half and one half on each tray. Set these aside until later.
  2. Place the sausage meat into a bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix until fully combined.
  3. Add the garlic and onion granules to the mixture. Mix again.
  4. Add the chilli flakes, chilli powder and paprika to the mixture. Give the meat a final mix before forming the sausage rolls.

NOTE: If you do not want to use chilli or paprika, you could try Cajun powder or even a mild curry powder.

  1. Place half of the mixture onto one half of the pastry – in a line in the middle. You may need to spread this along the length of the pastry.
  2. Cover the edges with egg – I use a pastry brush for this part.
  3. Fold over the pastry so that it is covering the sausage meat in the middle. Crimp the edges by pressing down with a fork.
  4. Cut the sausage roll into 8. Move them so they have space between them on the tray.
  5. Using a knife, make a slit on the top of the sausage roll.
  6. Use the beaten egg to egg-wash the top of the sausage roll.
  7. Repeat all these steps using the other half of the pastry.
  8. Place the baking trays into the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes.

If you decide to make these sausage rolls, please do send an e-mail to Eloise.jones@taw.org.uk – I would love to see how they turn out!

Stay tuned for another recipe next Friday!

Miss J x

Year 6 Home Learning 22.02.21

Hi Year 6

Attached is your Literacy, Maths, Reading, PSHE and Wellbeing activities for Friday 22nd January.

Literacy is all about Free Write Friday, and Maths is all about picking and choosing some problems to solve – a nice way to end a week full of hard work!

Don’t forget the TTRS Y6 battle is live from 9am on Friday 22nd till 12pm on Thursday 28th!

Literacy Friday
Maths Day 5
PSHE Friday
Reading Friday
Wellbeing Friday

Have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend, well done for all your amazing efforts this week!

Year 6 Home Learning 20.01.21

Morning Y6.

Attached is your English, Maths and Reading activities for Wednesday 20th January. Miss Sherry will be doing some MFL work with you live on Teams. There is also a YouTube link for the latest instalment of Miss Sherry reading The Lost Diaries of King Henry VIII’s Executioner.

Well done to those of you who have been sending in your work to the Year 6 email, we have seen some FANTASTIC examples of your hard work.

Have a great day!
Literacy Day 3
Maths Day 3
Reading Day 3

Y6 Home Learning 19.01.21

Good Morning Y6,

Here are your Literacy, Maths, Art and Reading tasks for Tuesday 19th January. There is also a maths help sheet for those that had asked for one. You should find some useful pointers and examples on the maths slides if you are unsure.

Have a wonderful day, well done for ALL your AMAZING hard work so far during this lockdown, all the staff at NJS are so proud of you!

Literacy Day 2
Maths Day 2
Portrait Drawing lesson2
Prompt sheet for mult & div fractions
Reading Day 2