4N Beech’s Base

A reminder for parents/carers of children in 4N.

Tomorrow afternoon, children will be visiting Beech’s Base.

Children can arrive at school in their Beech’s Base clothing and clean footwear, with outdoor shoes/wellies in a bag. You may also wish to send waterproof clothing as it is very wet and muddy in Beech’s Base.

Fingers crossed for some dry weather!

Year 3 Chetwynd Deer Park Visit – 20th JUNE

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 will be visiting Chetwynd Deer Park on Thursday 20th June with Year 2 as part of their transition. Children will need to arrive at school at 8:45 for the register and they will promptly leave at 9am. All children will need a packed lunch and a full water bottle unless you are in receipt of Free School Meals where school will provide a lunch for the day.

Children should be dressed in forest school type clothing which is weather appropriate (sun hat/cream OR waterproofs and wellies/sturdy footwear) that could get muddy! School uniform is not required. All belongings should be in a rucksack that the children can carry. We will be walking to the Deer Park and spending the majority of the day outside. There will be a range of activities that the children will engage with once they are there.

We can’t wait to take the children – fingers crossed for lovely weather!

If you have any questions please do speak to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team

Children left in school

We have lots of activities planned while some of the children are in London.

You should have received a note about a walk to Greggs. Looking at the weather forecast, the best day to go is tomorrow (Wednesday). The children will be allowed to bring up to £5 on our walk in an envelope with their name on in a wallet. If there are any questions please contact school.

We also have an art project planned and would appreciate cardboard, bubble wrap and small containers brought in tomorrow if you have any around the house.

The children will need their PE kits on Thursday.