5M Weekly Reminders

Tuesday – Mr Marsh at Y6 Boys Cricket Tournament. Miss Willington in class. Please bring P.E. kits for Athletics tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday – Mr Marsh PPA. Ms Branton in class. D Day at 80 Commemorations. Library.

Friday – P.E. kits for Cricket please.

P.E. will be Cricket and Athletics this half term.

I will send weekly updates due to trips, sports days, transition days that always mean Summer 2 is a busy but definitely the best half term!


Good morning year 4!

We hope that you have all have a lovely half term. Tomorrow (Tuesday 4th June), we will be heading to Lichfield Cathedral for our ‘Inspire’ trip. Below are a few reminders for this:

  1. Please ensure you drop your child/children off at 8:15am. We will be leaving promptly at 8:30am.
  2. Please provide your child with a packed lunch in a plastic bag that they can throw away. Any children who are in receipt of free school meals will have a meal provided for them from our school kitchen.
  3. Bring a water bottle for the day.
  4. Any travel sickness medication needs to be handed to the teachers with instructions.
  5. The day ends between 2:00-2:30pm. We will post and ETA on the website and school Facebook page.
  6. Children are required to wear school uniform. Lichfield can be cold even on a hot day so it is recommended that children come with a cardigan/fleece etc.

We are looking forward to the day!

The Year 4 Team

Year 6 reminders

We have a busy term coming up, swimming galas, sports day, Chetwynd photography workshop and transition events.

Week beginning 3rd June reminders:

PE kits to be in all week please.

6K have swimming and Beech’s base scheduled for Tuesday so remember your kits!

All Year 6 – Cameras and sensible walking shoes for your photography trip to the deer park.

Red and Blue house swimming gala.


3PW reminders WC 3rd June

Monday 3rd: PD Day

Tuesday 4th: Mrs P all day

Wednesday 5th: Mrs P all day

Thursday 6th: Mrs W all day, PE, D Day at 80 celebrations

Friday 7th: Mrs W all day

Please note: year 3 will be swimming on MONDAYS this term, so this will start NEXT WEEK.

Hope you have had a lovely half term everyone! See you soon xxx

3PW cheeky treat! 🥐🥐🥐

I have been promising 3PW a treat of croissants (Mrs Wheat and Mrs Cox’s favourite thing!) so this afternoon we visited the kitchen classroom to cook them. We discussed balanced diets and French cuisine, and also practised our washing and drying up skills! Happy half term everyone 💛