3 years ago Posted on 16th Nov 2021 by laurie bold 6B at Beech’s Base Class 6B had an absolutely amazing day in Beech’s Base today. Ask your child about all of the fun activities we did!
3 years ago Posted on 15th Nov 2021 by laurie bold 6B Beech’s Base Good morning! A quick reminder for 6B that it is our forest school session in Beech’s Base tomorrow. We’re all looking forward to it!
3 years ago Posted on 21st Oct 2021 by laurie bold Year 6 Music Workshop The year 6’s enjoyed a wonderful music workshop from TACT this morning. Ask your child about the song we sung and the things we learnt in the workshop!
3 years ago Posted on 17th Oct 2021 by Jeni Kuczynska Year 3 Parent Workshops Good Afternoon Year 3 Please could any outstanding slips be returned ASAP (Monday) so that a time can be allocated to you for the Parent Workshops at Beech’s Base 🙂 If you have any questions at all, please email me: jeni.kuczynska@taw.org.uk Many thanks Mrs Kuczynska
3 years ago Posted on 15th Oct 2021 by Jeni Kuczynska Beech’s Base – Head Teacher’s Award Children Good Afternoon Congratulations to the children who received a Head Teacher’s Award yesterday. These children are invited to Beech’s Base on Monday lunchtime, they can arrive in school uniform as time will be given to change. Hopefully you received your invite outlining what you need to bring but here is a brief reminder: Wellies/Outdoor Footwear Old clothing (Even though the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles) Packed Lunch Your invite Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun. Children will change after their session, this can be into another pair of old clothes and footwear rather than uniform to save it getting muddy! If you have any questions please email me: jeni.kuczynska@taw.org.uk Many thanks Mrs Kuczynska
3 years ago Posted on 24th Sep 2021 by Jeni Kuczynska Beech’s Base – Head Teacher’s Award Children Good Morning Congratulations to the children who received a Head Teacher’s Award yesterday. These children are invited to Beech’s Base on Monday lunchtime, they can arrive in school uniform as time will be given to change. Hopefully you received your invite outlining what you need to bring but here is a brief reminder: Wellies/Outdoor Footwear Old clothing (Even though the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles) Packed Lunch Your invite Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun. Children will change after their session, this can be into another pair of old clothes and footwear rather than uniform to save it getting muddy! If you have any questions please email me: jeni.kuczynska@taw.org.uk Many thanks Mrs Kuczynska
3 years ago Posted on 21st Sep 2021 by Jeni Kuczynska Beech’s Base Good Morning! I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. From next week we will be inviting classes to Beech’s Base. Half of the designated class will visit in the morning and half will go in the afternoon. The classes which will visit next week are as follows: Tuesday 28th September – 5H Wednesday 29th September – 3B Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers): Old clothing (Even if the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles, likewise layers to wrap up if it is cold please) Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet. Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun. Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag: Wellies/Outdoor Footwear Clothing to change into after their session. Uniform not required on this day. Thank you for being patient, I can’t wait to get the children over to Beech’s Base and get stuck in! Further information will be communicated with dates for when other classes will visit. If you have any questions please email me: jeni.kuczynska@taw.org.uk Many thanks Mrs Kuczynska
4 years ago Posted on 14th Jul 2021 by Megan Hardy 5H High Ropes Trip! The children in 5H had a fantastic day today at Telford High Ropes! Mrs Thomas, Miss Smith and I were incredibly proud and impressed by the courage, team work and general lovely behaviour shown by the children. Well done everyone! Miss H xxx rpt rpt rpt rpt rpt rpt
4 years ago Posted on 12th Jul 2021 by Elliot Lawson Y5-Buggy day DT Today has been full on for year 5! We have finally found the opportunity to lead our Autumn term Design and Technology unit focussing around the design and manufacturing of drag racing buggies. With a slightly later start we had a great job squeezing as much in as we could! The entire of year 5 have been amazing! We started by evaluating previous drag racing vehicles and looked how forces affect them, with a great link to our previous forces module in science, using this knowledge to develop a design brief. We then worked as a group to create a team design with a focus on what our groups project will have specifically. Following this we looked back at our knowledge around circuits to give our buggies power and created a simple circuit. Following this we needed to build up the chassis of our buggy, with a strong focus on how to ensure it continues to meet our design brief. And finally today, we started to focus on an aesthetic touch of our buggies, ensuring they followed the theme our team had suggested. Unfortunately, that was all we had time for, so tomorrow afternoon we will be joining together again to have the exciting drag races, giving the children the opportunity to evaluate their design and build process. Take a look at the photos from today and keep your eyes open for some exciting races tomorrow. It was a brilliant day and as DT co-ordinator it was amazing to see the skills, discussion and use of vocabulary. As well as a bucket load of team work!!! Well done year 5!
4 years ago Posted on 17th Jun 2021 by Megan Hardy 5H capacity and volume outside lesson Year 5 have been learning about volume and capacity in maths this week. The children have all enjoyed practising what they’ve learnt and getting a bit soggy in the process!