Year 3 Visit to Chetwynd Deer Park

Year 3 had a brilliant, relaxing half day each, visiting the Deer Park over the past few days. We had a trailer / tractor ride up to the top of the park, where we entered the Deer enclosure, which is off limits to the public. The deer were shy for 3B, but 3L and 3T saw plenty! We also talked about food production and farming, and calculated the age of one of the oak trees, which was over 500 years old!


3T Beech’s Base (3rd October)

Dear parents/carers of 3T,

On Tuesday afternoon 3T have the opportunity to visit Beech’s Base, our school forest school area. The children will have access to lots of different learning opportunties and have fun exploring our outdoor space.

Children are welcome to come to school in appropriate clothes for the entire day, but I would advise you to check weather conditions in the morning too. I would always suggest children bring a rain coat. Everyone needs to bring a spare change of shoes, either muddy trainers or wellies for their time down the in Beech’s Base.

If you have any queries please either email me or catch me in mornings or after school.


Mr T

Yr 4 Homework 1

Please find below a copy we have previously sent our regarding the Yr 4 homework:
Homework Overview Autumn Year 4 23 34
This will also be stuck into the front of the children’s homework books.

The children will also receive weekly handwriting/spellings to complete – these will be handed out weekly and stuck into homework books, alongside weekly timetables sheets to practice at home – these will be times tables that we have looked at in class and on TTRS.

Handwriting/Spellings: Spellings homework 1

Therefore although many of the homework tasks may take sometime, teachers do need to see homework books weekly so they can help to assess the children’s progress in these areas. These will usually be given straight back to the children once marked.

The handwriting/Spelling will also be posted on here weekly.

Many thanks for your support, remember we are always available if needed either face to face or email.

Team Yr 4.

Year 4 TTRS Challenge 4M v 4N v 4OP

Today will mark the start of a whole Year 4 challenge on Times Table Rock Stars.

The challenge will be 4M v 4N v 4OP and will begin at 3:30pm today and end at 3:30pm on Tuesday 19th September. It will focus on the times tables that we are currently practicing in class which are the 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

Please encourage your child to practice as often as possible. Lots of housepoints will be on offer for children participating in the challenge! (All children were given a reminder of their login details last week, which should be stuck in their HomeLink books.)

The TTRS app can be downloaded from the Appstore and Google Play Store for free.

Which class will be victorious???

5N Beech’s Base

A reminder for 5N that we have Beech’s Base this afternoon!

Children can come to school wearing their clothes for Beech’s Base and bring a spare set of clean clothes to change into if they wish. Although the weather is lovely today, please remember to keep arms and legs covered and bring gloves if you have them 😊