Year 3 Weekly Diary 14th-18th October

Monday – Both classes Swimming

-3M – Mrs Jones

Tuesday – Both classes to Deer Park 3M am 3B pm – all children need to wear forest school clothes, they can wear these for the day. All children need a change of footwear for class.

Wednesday – Any spelling/handwriting homework in if you’d like it marked so far!

– 3B Beech’s Base pm – Forest School clothes for the day please.

Thursday – 3M – Mrs Humphries pm

Friday – 3B – Mrs Humphries

-3M Beech’s Base pm – Forest School clothes for the day please.

Mr M and Mr B

Year 3 Chetwynd Deer Park trip Permission needed

Dear Parents and Carers,

If you have not yet done so, please login to ParentPay and give your child permission to go on this trip, which is happening next Tuesday 15th October. If you do not give permission for them to do this, children will have to remain in school with the remaining Year 3 class. If you are not able to log in to ParentPay, please contact the school office on 01952 386600 or email to discuss the issue.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

3M Art Shirts 10/10/24

Please could you send an old oversized (Dads, Mums, Grandads, Brothers) shirt into school tomorrow (Thurs 10/10) so the children can wear them as an Art shirt.

We are going to try and make some cave paintings, using a water based paint spray; so ideally I would like the children’s uniform covered as much as possible.

This shirt can then stay in their lockers and become their Art shirt for future activities.


Mr M

Class 3B English topic

Today the children enjoyed starting a new book for their English lesson focus – ‘Stone Age Boy’. This ties in nicely with our upcoming trip to the Shropshire Hills centre in the final week of this half term, and our History topic, Stone Age to Iron Age.

3B Eatwell sessions

Many thanks to Lydia from T&W for her session today on food and nutrition in Class 3B and 3M. We had some fun with the ‘Eatwell’ plate!

Year 3 Homework/Spellings

Please find below this weeks homework for spelling/handwriting practice.

Also attached is their eat-well food diary which needs completing over the weekend, ready for the children’s workshop on Monday 7th October. They have also brought home a copy of this today (4/10/24).

Week 5 spellings to send 2.10 Aut 1st half

Kindest regards

Mr M and Mr B

Year 3 Diary Dates Mon 7th – Friday 11th Oct

Please find below details for next week 7th – 11th October :

Monday – 3B PE

               -3M – Mrs Jones (Mr M on course)

               – Both classes Eat Well Workshop

Tuesday – Both classes Swimming

               – 3M – Mrs Jones (Mr M on course)

Wednesday – Any spelling/handwriting homework in if you’d like it marked so far!

                    – Parents(1) invited to a Yr3/4 Harvest Assembly at 1.30pm

Thursday – World Mental Health Day – PJs needed.

                 – 3M – pm Mrs Humphries

Friday – 3B – Mrs Humphries

           -3M PE

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr M and Mr B