Dear Parents and Carers,
Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2021
Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2021 PDF
KS2-Spelling-Menu Games
Please find attached the homework and spellings sheet for this half term. We will be testing the children on their spellings sometime on or after Wednesday 8th December.
On the sheet, you will find details of their English, Maths and Foundation project to complete this half term. Please try to encourage your child to complete a small amount for the project each week, and not to leave things until the last minute!
We also ask you to encourage your child to form good learning habits, by practicing Times Tables little and often, using TTRS regularly or by some other means, reading every day, and at least weekly for the spellings. This can be rewarded at home, and will definitely be rewarded in school!
Thank you for your continuing support,
Kind regards,
The Year 3 Team