Year 3 suspension of Spellings and Homework this half term

Dear Parents,

Following a review, there will be no requirement for Year 3 children to complete the spelling test and homework issued earlier this term.

Instead, work will be completed in class over the coming weeks, via the home learning resources, as an English focus. We hope this reduces any anxiety around this.

Apologies if you have already completed work on this, but at least it will stand your child in good stead for when we do return to school. Please send in photos of this work if you would like us to respond to it.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Home Learning Tasks – 09.02.21 – Safer Internet Day

Dear Parents,

Please find attached tomorrow’s home learning tasks. This week is Safer Internet Week so tomorrow’s Teams lesson will cover the Online Safety activity.

Please continue to send any work to us using

Thank you for your continuing support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 09.02.21 PDF

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 09.02.21