Home Learning Tasks – Day 38 – Thursday 4th June

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all the pictures and examples of work you have shared with me so far! The work the children are producing all looks amazing!

Please find attached tomorrow’s home learning (Thursday 4th June).

Thank you for your continuing support

Miss W

Year 3 Day 38 Home School Provision Daily Pack – LIVE

Home Learning – Day 36 – Tuesday 2nd June

Dear Parents,

We hope you have enjoyed your half term and the lovely weather that is here.

Here is tomorrow’s home learning tasks (2nd June 2020).

As you are aware, due to schools partial reopening Mr Butler and Mr Parker are needed at school. Therefore, for any home learning questions/achievements you would like to share please contact Miss Watson. Her email is on the daily provision.

Please also remember, daily live Facebook maths lessons will start again at 10am on the 2nd June.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Day 36 Home School Provision Daily Pack

Home Learning Task – Day 27 – Wednesday 13th May

Dear Parents,

Please find attached tomorrow’s home learning task (13th May).

It is a project that will last all day and encompasses all three subjects. We hope you will have lots of fun and there will be lots of pictures to share with us!

As a result of tomorrow’s task, there will be no Facebook live lesson. It would be unfair to ask you to complete a days worth of work by 10am – we know things can be very stressful!

Please do send in your pictures as we love to see them!

Thank you for your continuing support

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Day 27 Home School Provision Daily Pack