Home Learning Tasks – Day 25 – Monday 11th May 2020

Dear Parents,

Not sure what’s happened! I did post this on Thursday but I can’t fond my own post (!) so I thought I would make it easier for everyone and post it again.

Please find attached tomorrow’s home learning tasks (11th May 2020).

We hope you enjoyed your bank holiday weekend!

Stay safe,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Day 25 Home School Provision Daily Pack

Wow – a great D&T project!

In Year 3 we set the D&T challenge to design and make a ‘parachute’ to protect an egg in a dangerous journey.

Isla from 3W has really risen to the task. She has produced great notes and planned her design brilliantly before using household items to make her project. She spent lots of time and effort creating her parachute. It protected the egg and she could still have it for her dinner! Isn’t it brilliant!

Well done Isla and thank you for sharing your home learning with us all.

Please keep the fab home learning pictures coming!

Miss W

Well done Lucas!

Well done Lucas in 3W for achieving your Maths Certificate for one hour of ‘outstanding maths practice’.

You have risen to the challenge of home learning and have succeeded! Keep it up Lucas, you are a brilliant example of the NJS ethos.

Please keep emailing these positive achievements to me, I love seeing what you are all doing.

Miss Watson