Year 4 Messy Maths

We we are really enjoying our day of Messy Maths! So far we have used our multiplication skills to complete an orienteering activity.


Homework – Half Term

Homework: Due Tuesday 4th of Wednesday 5th June.

For homework we would like the children to create a space themed mobile. This could be based around the planets; for stars or famous astronauts. We will be passing them over to Mr Moody who will hopefully use them on our Carnival float in June.

We have provided some ideas for some inspiration on their homework slip.

Alongside this, we would like the children to continue to read 3 times a week (including half term – 6 in total). Times tables homework will be online from Monday to Friday next week and over half term.

The spelling test will be next Friday 24th May.

Spellings Wk 3



This week for homework the children have a subordinating conjunctions task to complete. We have provided an acronym for them to use and you will find this in their homework books.

2/3* – Add a conjunction and then finish the sentence. Create 3 of your own using a suitable conjunction.

1* – Add in the most suitable conjunction from the ones you have been given.

Alongside this, the children will need to read 3 times to an adult and have all been set 3 games on times tables rock stars. The times tables games do not go online until Monday and are due to be completed by Friday morning.

Below are the spellings for next week, due to be tested on Friday 17th May.

Spellings Wk 2

Homework is due in Monday or Tuesday (13th or 14th) of May. Reading diaries will be checked next Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 4 Swimming

Year 4 remember you are swimming on Tuesday – please bring your kits.


This week for homework we are asking for the children to produce a poster on Rivers (our summer topic). This will be due in Tuesday 7th May.

If your child has already completed this and brought it into school then they will only have spellings to learn.

As always, we ask that the children read to an adult 3 times during the week and complete their homework on times tables rock stars.

Spellings Wk 1

Have a lovely long weekend!

Year 4 Swimming Gala

On Thursday afternoon Red and Yellow Team Year 4 children will be taking part in their gala at Newport Swimming Pool.  Children from these teams need their swimming kits.

Children will walk to the pool with school staff in time for a 2pm start.  Parents are welcome to attend to watch.  If parents are at the pool they may take children home from there at 3pm otherwise they will return to school and be dismissed as usual at 3.30pm.

Year 4 Manor Adventure Assembly – TIME CHANGE

Please note the Manor Adventure assembly on Wednesday will now be at 2.45pm (due to the cross country event).  We look forward to seeing parents there as children share their memories and photos from last weeks residential!