4M Orienteering

Yesterday in P.E. we started orienteering for the first time. For many of the children this was something that they had never done before and found it very confusing. But over the course of the lesson, the progress in using directional points and teamwork was excellent.

Y4 Rainforest Day Urgent Update

Year 4 Parents and Carers

Year 4 are due to have the Rainforest man visit to supplement their Geography and Art work.  We currently only have 47 children with consent and have insufficient funds to cover the cost of this experience. This is just over half of the year group.

Please can we please ask Year 4 parents/carers to access ParentPay to consent for this experience and make their contribution.  If we do not have sufficient consent and funds by Friday we may have to cancel this visit.

Thank you for your support.

4M D&T Shelters

Please can the children over the next two weeks bring in any old pieces of cardboard, cereal boxes, toilet roll holders, plastic bags (to make shelters waterproof) and anything else that can be used successfully to junk model. This will be used to make our final, completed versions of our shelters that the children planned and designed individually. We will be using these materials alongside a range of materials available to the children in school. We will be making the Shelters on Thursday 9th February.

Thank you as always,

Mr Marsh

4M Shelter Making

We have loved making our prototype shelters all morning in D&T. We have had so much fun looking at how to create structures that are freestanding and different joins.