Reminder to parents of Year 4 and Year 5 girls…

This will be taking place in our NJS school hall on Thursday at 3.30pm.  Please make your way to the hall following collection of your child.

4OP Hockey

4OP had their first hockey lesson today. We practised holding the hockey stick correctly and to hold the stick to increase accuracy and control. We also learnt how to stop the ball and push passes.

4OP Collect information using dataloggers

Year 4 are learning about data and information in computing this half term.  The children collected temperature, sound and light data around the classroom using dataloggers.

4N Rainforest Day

We have had such a fun day today learning all about the Rainforest from Dave -The Rainforest Man! After a very informative talk from Dave all about him and his family’s lived experiences, we got to hold a variety of creatures including a millipede, cockroaches, giant stick insects and the star of the show…. Amelia the tarantula. We have also completed observational sketches and made bead necklaces. The children were excellent ambassadors of NJS today and even Dave commented on their wonderful behaviour. Super proud of everyone today, including some children who used heaps of courage to face their fears.

Here we are with Amelia!

4OP – Beeches Base Reminder!

4OP are at B.base tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday 21st).
Please ensure children come into school prepared for this visit… it is rather muddy at the minute therefore, we would suggest bringing spare shoes!

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw