Y5 Newport Walk

For our History topic this term, we will be studying Newport and looking at some historic locations and their significance in the town. To help the children’s understanding with this, each class will be going for a guided walk around the town with their class teacher over the next two weeks during the school day. The children will be back at school as usual for 3.15.

5M – Friday 12th January

5J – Monday 15th January

5P – Thursday 18th January

5P Reminders

Welcome back, hope you have had a fabulous Christmas break.

PE this term will be Gymnastics and Hockey.

Our PE days are Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. If PE kits can be brought into school on a Monday and taken home Fridays that will allow for any date changes.

Hockey this term will hopefully be outside please could the children’s PE kit have outdoor wear including trainers. We ask that PE kits follow the school policy.

Library will continue to be on a Thursday.

Homework will continue to be handed out weekly on Thursdays and due back in on the following Thursday.

5M January Reminders

Hope you have all had a great Christmas and restful break!

P.E. this half term will be Hockey and Gymnastics.

Hockey will be a Monday afternoon from this Monday so please could children could have outdoor kit as I would prefer to go outside if possible please due to having more space on the yards.

Gymnastics will be on a Friday morning this half term.

Library will continue to be a Thursday afternoon.

5M Advent Calendar Day 14

The final day is Felix and Scarlett.

Scarlett is one of our librarians and all round top girl! Scarlett is bluntly honest and very quick witted in her put downs, especially to me! Scarlett is a great character to have in class.

Felix loves Maths and is a very wise part of 5M. Felix has lots of knowledge about lots of things and is very informative about all parts of life.

5M Advent Calendar Day 13

Day 13 is the turn of Lexi and Arthur for our class Advent calendar.

Lexi loves her dance and she is constantly making up dance routines on the playground and showing them off. Lexi also has a passion for Maths and this shows in her work.

Arthur joined us in September and he has been a great addition to the class. Arthur enjoys playing rugby with his friends and he has settled very quickly. An excellent piece of the 5M puzzle.

5M Advent Calendar Day 12

Day 12 brings us the turn of Aiden and Simeon.

Aiden is one of the quieter members of our class but he is mighty! Aiden really enjoys Maths and drawing in class.

Simeon goes at 100 miles an hour in our class and has a great imagination. Sim really enjoys creative writing and giving us a window into his mind.