5M Advent Calendar Day 11

Today marks the turn of Noah and Henry.

Noah sets an excellent example in our class, he is always doing the right thing and thoroughly enjoys all of his school. He enjoys his literature and is a very responsible big brother to his brother and sister.

Henry loves Maths and Sport in particular. Whether it be playing hockey for Newport, cricket for Allscott or football on the playground, Henry enjoys all sports equally and always tries his hardest!

Year 5 Christmas Performance Monday 18th December

For Monday’s performance, can the children be at Church please for 6.15pm ready for 6.30pm start.

Children are to wear their school uniform and a Christmas accessory if they wish.

There will be plenty space in the Church for parents and other adults.

We look forward to the children showcasing their reading and singing skills!

Thanks very much!

Mr Marsh, Mrs Jukes and Mrs Yates.



5M Advent Calendar Day 10

Today is the turn of Willow and Phoebe! Again two girls who’ve had the pleasure of my teaching for 18 months now and two of our Maths queens!

Willow is one of our librarians as well as being incredibly knowledgeable about lots of things. She also has an incredible imagination when writing her own narratives.

Phoebe is our resident cricketer, mathematician and amateur palaeontologist. Phoebe plays for my club Allscott and has also began county cricket trials for Shropshire this year.

5M Advent Calendar Day 9

Day 9 brings us two more of our fierce females in 5M!

Charli-Mae is as competitive as they come and an excellent budding sportswomen. Charli-Mae particularly enjoys basketball and is a mean goalkeeper from the Y5 Girls Football team.

Ziva exudes glamour in 5M. Whether it is her hair, dress sense or sass, Ziva’s star shines bright in 5M and she always has a smile on her face.