Year 5 Home Learning Monday 20th April – Day 11

Dear Parents and Year 5s,

We hope that this post finds you all well? We hope that you have had a fab family Easter and have eaten copious amounts of chocolate?!

Please find attached the year 5 home learning activities for tomorrow. The structure has changed slightly, so please may we ask parents to sit with your children to talk through the new format and discuss where the children are best to start. What we are finding is that if you split your day and have more of a structured timetable then this may help you to become focussed. Add into your timetable when you are playing in the garden, going for a bike ride/walk, helping with the cooking/cleaning etc – remember all these skills are still learning!!

Please bear in mind the following:

  • These activities are a guide for what you might work through with as a year 5 child.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day. Sometimes the tasks may take too long – don’t feel as though you have to complete them all that day, you can always catch up tomorrow! Likewise some of the tasks set are designed to be completed across the week – we have tried our best to emphasise this on the slides!
  • TTRS and learning off by heart times-tables, general reading, spelling patterns previously sent home are all also very important – these can be completed across the week to suit.

All three teachers are looking forward to seeing your work – please feel free to email any work you have completed to us so we can look at it. Also let us know if you would like any work sharing as we can publish it on our school website (the year 5 page) so other children in the year group can see what you have completed.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

Follow this link for the work slides:  1-Monday 20th April

5H Quiz and Bingo!

Last week we had a virtual 5H quiz – well done and thanks to everyone who joined us! Congratulations to Jack who came 1st!

This afternoon in 5H we played virtual Bingo! It was lots of fun. Congratulations to Faye who won the first 2 rounds, and Heidi who won the third round!

Sadly no usual sweetie prizes can be given out, so school website pride will have to do for now! Anyone in 5H who wants to join us next time, just email me ( and I will send you the details. We are taking online security precautions with our video calls. Take care everyone, Miss H xxx

5H message!

Just repeating my message from yesterday- if anyone from 5H is interested in being part of a whole class video call catch up, please email me ASAP ( so I can send you the details! Pass the message on to anyone who you think might not have seen this.

Take care, stay safe and miss you loads. Love Miss H xxx


Year 5 Home Learning Friday 3rd April – Day 10

Dear Parents and Year 5s,

Please find attached the year 5 home learning activities for tomorrow. Please bear in mind the following:

  • The activities we have provided are a guide for what you might work through with your year 5 child each day.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If you feel like the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

We hope that you enjoyed Mrs Moody’s assembly today an if you haven’t seen it, ask  for your parents log on to access the schools Facebook page.

Things to remember:

Miss Hardy is reading via the schools Facebook page, everyday at 5pm. Well done to her for getting the Author to tune in to listen – a great message sent back as well!!

Miss Watson is sharing some cooking recipes with all the children – maybe something more you could do if you have the ingredients!?

Hopefully you have all spotted the Easter Activity pack of ideas.

Have a lovely EStay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

Follow these links for the home learning work today:

Friday 3rd April Home learning

Friday 3rd April self esteem yoga instructions

Friday 3rd April self esteem yoga

maths week 2 Friday- multiply by 10,100,1000

Year 5 Home Learning; Easter Holiday Activities

Hi Year 5

Please find some Easter Holiday Activities you could complete at home. Miss Hardy, Mr Lawson and myself have been busy putting these activities together, moving away from Literacy and Numeracy (just for Easter!!)

We hope you enjoy them and we are all looking forward to seeing your results!

Have a lovely Easter with your families and stay safe.

Much love

Mr Lawson, Miss Hardy and Mr M x

Home Learning Easter Activities can be found: Easter Activities – Home Learning Yr 5

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 2nd April – Day 9

Dear Parents and Year 5s,

Please find attached the year 5 home learning activities for tomorrow. Please bear in mind the following:

  • The activities we have provided are a guide for what you might work through with your year 5 child each day.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If you feel like the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

We hope that you enjoyed Mrs Moody’s assembly today an if you haven’t seen it, ask  for your parents log on to access the schools Facebook page.

Things to remember:

Miss Hardy is reading via the schools Facebook page, everyday at 5pm. Well done to her for getting the Author to tune in to listen – a great message sent back as well!!

Miss Watson is sharing some cooking recipes with all the children – maybe something more you could do if you have the ingredients!?

We are also in the process of creating some activities for over Easter – we will try and share these with you towards the end of the week!

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

Follow these links for the home learning work today:

Thursday 2nd April Home learning

maths week 2 wed & Thurs- divide by 10,100,1000

Thursday 2nd April reading booklet

Thursday 2nd April reading questions