Victorious Y6 Team!

Our Y6 team won at Ladygrove this afternoon 6-1 to send us through to the next round where we will definitely be at home. The boys all put in an excellent performance on a tough, muddy pitch!

Yr 6 Wilfred Owen Poetry

Yr 6 Light Session with BBS

This afternoon, Yr 6 had a visit from Ms Hughes, from the BBS Science department. Ms Hughes led a session on light with the children and made use of some exciting resources such as light boxes and prisms. This built on from the Light Dome Experience this morning and Ms Hughes was very impressed by the children’s existing knowledge about light!

What a brilliant day our children have had!

Yr 6 Light Dome Experience

Year 6 had a visit from the Light Dome Explorer Experience today.

Each class had a session in the dome and looked at all things light: what light is, how it travels, shadows, spectrums of light, reflection, primary & secondary colours, how the sun creates energy to power most things, how far away space really is and more!

The session was amazing, the children learned a lot and had lots of fun!

Secondary School Place Application


We only have 54 children from Year6 who have applied for their Secondary School place.  Please can we remind you this needs to be completed as soon as possible and ideally by the end of the week so admissions and ourselves can support you if you have any technical difficulties or queries.

If you have any queries please send an email to

or contact ourselves and if we can help we will.

Year 6 Parents Meetings

Between 1pm and 4pm representatives from Burton Borough School will be available in our school hall.  If you are attending an in person meeting you of course will have the opportunity to meet and talk to them.

If you are attending a TEAMS meeting in the morning I wanted to make you aware the secondary schools would be in the hall during the afternoon and you are of course welcomed to come into the hall to talk to them anytime between 1pm and 4pm.

Yr 6 BBC 500 Words Competition

As part of our efforts to raise the profile of writing, every child in the school has the opportunity to enter the BBC 500 Words Writing Competition.

Children of all abilities are encouraged to use their creativity and imagination to write a story they would love to read without the pressure of having to worry about spelling, punctuation and grammar.” – BBC 500 Words website. 

Entries must be submitted digitally, so Yr 6 children have been allowed to take their writing home with them, to be submitted at home.  Children have had multiples opportunities in school to write an entry, so everyone should have something that they can submit.

Please see the website for more information on the competition included rules, prizes and how to submit:

Many thanks.