Yr 6 Weekly Reminders W/C 18th November

  Changes to class teacher Things to note
Monday 6M – Mr Humphries (PPA) All classes to bring PE Kits
Tuesday 6B – Mr Humphries (PPA)

6J – Mrs Yates (afternoon)

ALL children need swimming kits
Wednesday 6J – Mr Humphries (PPA) 6J/6B/6M  Eat Well session

Homework Due In

Thursday 6J – Mrs Yates (afternoon) 6J Class Assembly
Friday   Last day of after school clubs

Homework Given Out

Art shirts Monday for 6B

Please could the children in class 6B bring in an art shirt for Monday? Have a great weekend everyone!

Yr 6 Key Dates W/C 11th November

  Change to teaching classes Things to note
Monday   Remembrance Service
Tuesday PM: 6J – Mr Humphries (2pm onwards) Swimming – all classes

Odd Socks Day

Wednesday PM: 6M – Miss Lockwood 6M Beech’s Base

Homework Due in

Thursday PM: 6J – Mrs Yates 6B PE
Friday   6J PE / 6M PE

Children In Need


Homework Given out

6B Beech’s Base

A big thank you to Miss Lockwood for taking 6B into the forest yesterday. Everyone had an amazing time!


Yr 6 Key Messages

We hope you have all enjoyed a relaxing half term. A few key reminders for the first week back:

Monday – Ms Branton teaching 6M in the afternoon

Tuesday – ALL children swimming kits in school / 6B PPA (Mr Humphries teaching 6B)

Wednesday – 6J PPA (Mr Humphries teaching 6J) / 6B Beech’s Base (Come to school in forest clothes)

Thursday – Mrs Yates teaching 6J in the afternoon / 6B PE kits in school.

Friday – 6M PPA (Mr Humphries teaching 6M) / 6M PE kits in school / 6J Beech’s Base (Come to school in forest clothes)

6M Art Shirts Monday

Could all children in 6M please bring an old t-shirt/shirt on Monday that can have paint on it. They will be painting for the majority of the afternoon.


Mr Marsh

Yr 6 Tuesday – PE KITS NEEDED

Please can we ask all children who are not attending the Cross Country event to have PE Kits in school on Tuesday.

We are planning on taking the children in the hall to do some gymnastics and use of the climbing frame/ropes/ladders etc.

Thank you.


Yr 6 Key Dates

Monday – 6J PPA (Mr Humphries teaching 6J) / 6J PE kits

Tuesday – Cross Country Event at Deer Park / All classes PE kits

Wednesday – 6B PE kits / 6M PE kits / Homework due in.

Thursday – Yr 6 Parents’ Meetings

Friday – Mufti £2 contribution / End of half term.

6B Art

Class 6B had a wonderful afternoon making clay plates, in the style of Clarice Cliff. Next week we will paint them. Watch this space!