6B Beech’s Base & swimming

Dear parents,

Class 6B have Beech’s Base tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. Please come to school dressed in forest school clothes, with a change of footwear, along with swimming kits.


Crucial Crew Visit – Wednesday 10th

A reminder for Yr 6 children that we will be visiting the Crucial Crew workshops at TCAT on Wednesday 10th July. 

Due to the arrangements with coaches, we are asking that children are in school for 8.30am on this day to allow us to leave school on time.

Children are required to wear their green school jumper/cardigan but are allowed to wear comfortable footwear on this day such as trainers as the majority of the day is spent on the field.

If you have any further questions, please speak to a member of Yr 6 staff.

Open Evening

Please note – Open Evening is Wednesday 10th July – not Thursday 4th July. We have had some confusion today as the 4th was was a provisional date from September dates.

Year 6 white tshirts

Year 6 please remember to bring in your white t shirt tomorrow if you haven’t already. Mrs H is counting on it for the DT project.

Yr 6 Tie Dye – Last calling

Can we please ask all children to make sure you bring your white tie-dye t shirt in on Wednesday 3rd July!

The original deadline was today, however not many children managed to bring them in so we will look for another day next week.

Please ensure you have this in school for Wednesday morning to give us the best chance of getting them done as soon as possible.


Lost Yr 6 Hat

One of our children has lost their new black cap during Yr 6 Sports Day yesterday.

It is a plain black adidas cap and was left on the school field during a race. Please can you check that this hasn’t ended up in a child’s bag etc.

Please contact a member of staff if you find this hat.

Many thanks.

Missing swimming kit….

Ewen in Year 6 has lost his swimming kit… please can all of Year 6 check they haven’t accidentally picked this up.

Please return it to school asap if you have!

Yr 6 Leavers Photos FRIDAY

A reminder that tomorrow is school photos! 

Please ensure that you are wearing your green school jumper/cardigan! No leavers hoodies will be allowed of the photos.