Home Learning – Friday 19th June

Happy Friday Year 6!

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and have lots planned to keep you busy! Today is the end of refugee week so enjoy the final day or activities.

Please feel free to send any e-mails with questions or examples of work to eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

Week 3 Friday Slides PDF

Week 3 Friday Slides

Stay safe and take care!

Miss Jones x

Home Learning – Thursday 18th June

Hello Year 6!

I hope that you are having a lovely week so far. I also hope you have enjoyed understanding the meaning behind refugee week. Today’s home learning is below – enjoy! I have added the maths activity in a separate document should you wish to view it on a larger scale.

eloise.jones@taw.org.uk – Feel free to send any questions or work to my e-mail! I look forward to hearing from you.

2D Shape Properties Table Activity Sheet

Reading Comprehension Activity

Week 3 Thursday Slides PDF

Week 3 Thursday Slides

Stay safe and take care!

Miss Jones x

Home Learning – Thursday 11th June

Good afternoon Year 6!

Please find Thursday’s home learning below. The reading comprehension consists of two parts. One PDF has the text for all 3 challenge levels and the other document contains the questions and answers.

Week 2 Thursday Slides PDF

Week 2 Thursday Slides

Questions and Answers

Reading Comprehension

Please send any questions or work to eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

Stay safe, take care.

Miss Jones x

Home Learning – Wednesday 10th June

Happy Wednesday Year 6!

I hope that you are all having a lovely week so far. Please find today’s home learning below.

Letter to Your MP Activity Sheet

Week 2 Wednesday Slides PDF

Week 2 Wednesday Slides

Remember my e-mail is eloise.jones@taw.org.uk should you have an questions or wish to share any work with myself.

Take care,

Miss Jones x

Home Learning – Monday 8th June

Hello Year 6!

Please find today’s home learning below! As last week, I have attached both the powerpoint and PDF formats for you. Some days this week will have other documents. These documents are for a larger scale should you wish to view some slides slightly bigger.

Week 2 Monday Slides PDF

Week 2 Monday Slides

Layers of the ocean – other PDF

Layers of the ocean – other

As always, please feel free to e-mail any questions or work produced over the week to… eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

Have a lovely week!

Miss Jones x