Shrove Tuesday in Year 3

Year 3 celebrated Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) with lemon and sugar. The children learnt about the history of pancake day, the religious aspect of Shrove Tuesday and lent and even got to eat a pancake as well as practicing their tossing skills!

Thanks to Mrs J, Miss Whitehouse and Miss Compton – the batter queens!

(due to timings some children will have their pancakes on Wednesday!)

3M – Fabulous Egyptian Homework

Here are some wonderful examples of Egyptian homework I have received over the past few weeks. From Egyptian hieroglyphics, to pyramids, to death masks and mummies…the ideas and creativity of 3M is outstanding! Well done guys!

3M and 3B PE Kits Wednesday 5th

Please can both classes have outdoor PE kits in school on Wednesday 5th Feb.
This will be their PE day for this week.

Swimming is on Thursday 6th Feb.

Kindest regards

Mr M