Year 3 Swimming on Monday 1st July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please ensure your child has their swimming kit and towel on Monday.

Kind Regards,

The Year 3 Team

Cricket in 3PW

Today 3PW have been very lucky and have attended a cricket session ran by Newport Cricket Club and Shropshire Cricket. The children have absolutely LOVED playing cricket and they have had a great time. Lots of runs and the batting was incredible! It was so lovely to see the children so involved and having such a great time!

Missing uniform 3PW!

3PW need your help!

We seem to be missing a named pair of boys shorts (we have a named pair of shorts in the classroom to swap) after swimming this week and a named girls cardigan.

Please could you check all the uniform that has been brought home this week and return any additional items to school.

Thank you for your help in reuniting the lost clothing!

Mrs P x

Year 3 Sports Day

Thank you to all the parents and carers that came to Year 3’s Sports Day yesterday! We had a great afternoon and loved sharing our afternoon with you all. We hope you had a lovely time watching and enjoying the sunshine.

Year 3 Beeches Base Dates Summer 2

Dear Parents and Carers,

These are the remaining dates for Year 3 Beeches Base afternoons for Summer 2:

  • 3B – 3rd July 
  • 3L – 10th July 

As usual children will need to wear weather appropriate clothing that can get muddy and muddy wellies or boots in a bag for their afternoon. Sun cream/hat or rain coat and layers as appropriate to the weather.

if you have any questions please contact your child’s class teacher.

Many thanks for your support and understanding,

The Year 3 Team

Wednesday 26th June – Cricket for Year 3

Please can all parents and carers ensure that children have their PE kits in school tomorrow. We have an exciting Cricket lesson to support our PE curriculum with an external leader!

Please also ensure children bring hats, water bottles and have sun cream applied before they come to school.

Can’t wait to share an exciting Cricket lesson tomorrow!

3PW reminders WC 24.6.24

Monday: Mrs P all day. SPORTS DAY! Come to school in PE kit including a house colour t shirt if possible. Remember suncream/hats/sunglasses if appropriate on the day. Families welcome from 1.30pm.

Tuesday: Mr Humphries AM, Mrs P PM. Swimming today! (swapped to today just for this week)

Wednesday: Mrs P AM, Mrs W PM. Session with Shropshire Cricket (please ensure that PE kit is in school today for this!)

Thursday: Mrs W all day. Summer Fair 2-3pm. You are welcome to collect your children and visit the fair together. If not, children can bring some spending money and visit the fair with a friend and be collected at usual hometime. We would really appreciate some donations ahead of the fair today, see Mr R’s poster!

Friday: Mrs W all day.

Well done for a brilliant week everyone, have a lovely sunny weekend! xxx

Year 3 Reminder – Chetwynd Deer Park visit tomorrow (Thurs 20th June)

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a further reminder that Year 3 will be visiting Chetwynd Deer Park tomorrow, as some parents we spoke with were unaware of this at pick-up today. Please pass this message on if you can. Children will be walking there, and will be walking back, so please drop off at school and pick up from school in the normal way. 

Children will need to arrive at school at 8:45 for the register and they will promptly leave at 9am. All children will need a packed lunch and a full water bottle unless you are in receipt of Free School Meals where school will provide a lunch for the day.

Children should be dressed in forest school type clothing which is weather appropriate (sun hat/cream OR waterproofs and wellies/sturdy footwear) that could get muddy! School uniform is not required. All belongings should be in a rucksack that the children can carry. We will be walking to the Deer Park and spending the majority of the day outside. There will be a range of activities that the children will engage with once they are there.

We can’t wait to take the children – fingers crossed for lovely weather!

If you have any questions please do speak to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 RSE Lessons

Dear Parents and carers,

Following Mr Rotherham’s previous communications, Year 3 will be completing their Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum on the following days;

Lesson 1 and 2 – Tuesday 25th June

Lesson 3 – Monday 1st July

If you have any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team