Year 4 Reminders

Please send your child into school with a sturdy plastic carrier bag over the next two days (17th July/18th July), so that we can give them completed class exercise books and display work / completed homework projects to take home.
Also, a reminder that it is Year 6 leavers Church Assembly on Thursday 18th July. Please take your child directly to church for 8.45am.

Open Evening

Please note – Open Evening is Wednesday 10th July – not Thursday 4th July. We have had some confusion today as the 4th was was a provisional date from September dates.

4OP Painting in depth!

4OP have been busy creating a forest scene with 2/3 or 4 layers.  They had to think about the colours and sizing  for each depth.


This Weeks Weather!

Please can we advise ALL children, this week, to come into school with sun hats/caps, a water bottle, applied sun cream and a small bottle of sun cream to apply later – please note they have to do this themselves. On their Sports Days please send your child with an extra bottle and remember your child can attend Sports Day wearing their Sports Day kit!
Year 4 – Tuesday; Year 5 – Wednesday; Year 6 – Thursday (am)

Beeches Base – 4OP

Just a reminder that the children in 4OP will be attending Beeches base tomorrow – Wednesday 19th June.

Please can they come into school in the appropriate attire. With the unpredictable weather, we would suggest waterproofs and spare shoes etc.

For those children taking part in 4N’s violin concert (children who have individual lessons with Olivia) please come to school in your uniform and bring your change of clothes. 

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw