Children in Need

It is mufti in school tomorrow for Children in Need: you can partake at home, maybe consider how you could show your support for the cause…. perhaps wear something spotty?!

Maybe you could join the Joe Wickes PE Challenge:

If you do something to mark Children in Need and would like your photo on our website please send it to

ParentMail: Message for isolating children

We are sending invitations to Teams Meetings via ParentMail in order to support online security.  IF you are struggling to access your ParentMail please email me: identifying the name of your child and class and I will email the link to you.

No one needs to miss a Teams Meeting: each evening on the website we will confirm times for meetings: if you haven’t got the link email me and I will ensure you have it.

Thank you for your support.

Teams Lessons Tomorrow….

You should have received a ParentMail with an invitation to  a Teams lesson for tomorrow.  Just to confirm:

5H 10am

4NJ 9.30am

4S 11am

4J 10am

If, for any reason, you haven’t received your link please email me:


Use of Microsoft Teams

Your children were excellent today: they logged in on mute and contributed really well to the session.

Please can we ask that the children do not use the chat function until they are asked to or until the end of the meeting if they want to communicate with each other.  It is quite distracting for children during the meeting and also covers some of the functions on the screen.  Please also remind your children that everyone can see what they are writing.

We hope you understand,

Thank you

Thank you so much to all of our parents and carers who are being so supportive of our staff at this time.  They are working hard in the most difficult of circumstances and knowing they have your support makes a difference to them.

We know isolation of children presents families with challenges and we are thinking of you all, hoping to help as best we can over the coming days.

The most important thing is everyone remains healthy and well; take care.