6J Textiles

6J have began their textiles work with an introduction to stitching. Mrs Beech showed the children how to complete a back stitch and a running stitch, some children even managed to complete a cross stitch! This will help to form part of our Year 6 Tudor rose display which will be hand stitched by the children. 

6J Using Drama to Perform Dialogue


Today 6J made use of drama as a way of performing dialogue. The children spent some time making improvements to the text before performing to each other. Some wonderful pieces of drama – well done 6J!

Working with your study buddy!

6J have been making use of the study buddy system to develop their understanding of decimals. This system works by allowing children who aren’t too confident in maths to work with someone who is more confident and therefore able to provide some peer help to them. The system worked well today and and the children were all able to solve the problems presented to them.


Year 6: Elgin Marbles

This week in year 6 our literacy focus will be on the Elgin marbles debate between the U.K and Greek government. Both year 6 classes rotated around a selection of research stations including non fiction books, laptops, radio podcasts and web links. The children were encouraged to make detailed notes which they will then use to produce a balanced argument and a structured classroom debate.