Welcome to the Wellbeing Page.
We aspire to ensure that our inclusive, welcoming and loving church school gives children and adults the opportunity to reach their full potential, so that through God’s love they can make a difference to the world around them.
Wellbeing is very important to us and we endeavour to ensure all our members: pupils, staff and parents are all happy and content at and with school. Good wellbeing is at the heart of our vision and key to children reaching their full potential.
NJS wellbeing policy: Wellbeing Policy
This is what we will commit to doing for staff in 2024/25: The-50-things-we-will-do-to-promote-staff-wellbeing-24-25
What is mental health?
What is mental health These are informative and simple slides to explain to children what mental health is, and the importance of looking after it.
You may want to play the sort clip ‘We all have mental health‘ with your children so you can discuss the need to look after our mental health.
In order to continue to help our parents with supporting emotional needs, please read the document below. You find some very useful advice!
Support lines for advice and support:
Samaritans 116 123 www.samaritans.org
Childline 0800 1111 www.childline.org.uk
Anna Freud website offers parental advice
This page includes information for parents on supporting children with anxiety: Anxiety the top mental health concern for children contacting our Childline service | NSPCC
NJS wellbeing achievements:
We are currently working with Telford and Wrekin Educational Psychology Service to gain The Wellbeing Charter Mark.
Mrs Wheat, our Senior Leader for Inclusion and Wellbeing, has completed a Level 4 Certificate in Mental Health Aware Leadership (Education):

Wellbeing Award Announcement
What’s been going on recently at NJS?

World Mental Health Day 2024
On 10/10/24, we celebrated World Mental Health Day. The NJS Guardians of Safety led a fantastic assembly. We chose to focus on screen time and sleep health this year.
World Mental Health Day plans NJS

Youth Mental Health Day 2024 – 19th September
The theme this year was Control Your Scroll. Children all had discussion in class during the afternoon about this, using the following slides:
Youth Mental Health Day 2024
Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, we took part in the NJS Move-nic!
NJS move-nic
Anti-bullying Week – November 2023
Anti-Bullying Week 2023 is coordinated in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. This year the theme was ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’ and took place from Monday 13th to Friday 17th November.
At NJS, the children all completed different tasks in class around the theme of bullying. We want to be a ‘bully buster’ at NJS! What is Bully Buster? Well, a bully buster at NJS is someone who takes action when bullying is happening; someone who helps those around them and someone who speaks up! All children designed a ‘bully buster’ badge and had in depth discussions on what they included and why.
Alongside the tasks in class, the whole school attended an assembly where Wellbeing Mentors from BBS came along. The children from Burton Borough were fantastic and shared some key messages with the children. What bullying is? What to do if they are being bullied? And many more.
If you would like to see what we looked at during our assembly, follow the link below:
Final Anti-Bullying Week 2023 – Primary Assembly

World Mental Health Day – Tuesday 10th October 2023
World Mental Health Day takes place on the 10th October every year. This year the theme of the day was ‘Mental Health is a universal human right’. The children at NJS once again focused on their understanding of mental health and what they can do to help protect it. We spent the week raising awareness of mental health issues and highlighting what is being done at NJS to support it.
We started the week with an assembly by the Guardians of Safety! We also completed different tasks within our classrooms including a ‘hello yellow’ bunting which was full of different strategies to support mental health and positive messages! Finally, we wore yellow to support Young Minds’ #helloyellow campaign.
Follow this link to see the assembly produced by the Guardians of Safety:
WMHD – Assembly NJS

Mental Health Week – Theme: Anxiety
The theme of mental health week 2023 was ‘anxiety’ to help increase awareness and understanding of what ‘anxiety’ is. This took place between 15th – 21st May 2023. We completed activities in school over the week and introduced a new concept at NJS… Walk and Talk. Walk and talk is the chance for children to get outside and talk about their feelings.
Here you will find the assembly presented to the children… Assembly Presentation MHW – Anxiety

Children’s Mental Health Week
Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 took place from 6-12 February 2023. This year’s theme was Let’s Connect. We completed activities in school throughout the week, focusing on the importance of making healthy, rewarding, and meaningful connections.
This is the information we shared to kick off the week… children’s mental health week classroom assembly slides

November 2022
The NJS Guardians of Safety have been busy making these super posters to promote our understanding of mental health. These are going to go up around school as a reminder of the importance of recognising our mental health, and how we can support our wellbeing. Well done, Guardians of Safety!
Mental Health Poster 1 Mental Health Poster 2 Mental Health Poster 3 Mental Health Poster 4 Mental Health Poster 5
World Mental Health Day – 10th October 2022
Today children once again focused on their understanding of mental health – our thoughts, feelings and actions. We also wore yellow to support Young Minds’ #helloyellow campaign. Children spent the afternoon completing activities such as yellow treasure hunts, creating wellbeing spinners, wellbeing boxes, mindful colouring, word searches and creating positive affirmations.

New for September 2022… Calm Brain!
Calm Brain is a new approach to wellbeing that we will be doing daily from September across NJS. It is a programme that manages the mental health and emotional wellbeing in children. It creates calm, stimulates focus and improves learning.
Mental Health Awareness Week – May 2022
The theme this year is loneliness. Children took part in an assembly and completed a different activity in class each day. They focused on their own mental health and also how to use our school value of compassion to support the mental health of others, particularly when people are lonely.
We have been running a competition this week to encourage children to do something extra for their own mental health, or to help someone else’s mental health. The winners from each year groups will be receiving an awesome wellbeing journal!

Children’s Mental Health Week – 7th-13th February 2022
For children’s mental health week we are focussing on ‘What is Mental Health?’ We have shared these slides in class and held focused discussions around it. Children have created some super, informative and useful posters. Here are some fantastic examples:
NJS Wellbeing Day – National Smile Day – 01.10.21
Today we celebrated World Smile Day by having an NJS Wellbeing Day. Children have talked about mental health and learnt that everyone has mental health. Mental health is how we feel, think and behave. Some days our mental health is good, other days it is bad, and sometimes a bit of both. Children have done a range of activities today to help them learn ways to support their wellbeing at times when it might be negative, such as when they are tired, stressed, sad, angry. Our focus today has been kindness, and how showing kindness to others supports not only their wellbeing, but our own as well.

During the day, we did a range of activities including journalling, mindful art, nature walks, yoga, listening to audio books, sports activities, games, drama and much more.
Here is what some of our children thought of the day:
‘Mental health is having good days and having bad days. It’s okay to have bad days occasionally.’ Year 3 pupil.
‘Wellbeing is important because it keeps us healthy and making sure you stay healthy in your brain. It’s ok to feel sad and angry and stressed but you know it’s going to be ok.’ Year 4 pupil.
‘Today is wellbeing day. We are doing it because sometimes we feel negative and you need to know what makes you feel better.’ Year 6 pupil.
‘Good wellbeing is important because it makes you feel positive if you’re worried.’ Year 6 pupil.
‘We’ve done these activities today to focus on the stuff that can be mindful and make you feel calm, so that in the future when you feel stressed or angry you know what to do.’ Year 6 pupil.
Mental Health Awareness Week – May 2021
Poster NJS
The focus of mental health awareness week this year was connecting with nature. We shared an assembly and had lots of class discussions where we shared top tips to look after our mental wellbeing. These were some of the activities we did:
Mindfulness activity 1 meditation

Here are some examples of how we used nature to help look after their mental health this week:

World Mental Health Day – October 10th
Children have been talking about mental health this week and we have got a range of activities to share. Year 3 did some ‘Free Write Friday’ activities thinking about their ideal weekend. Year 4 have been doing some Cosmic Yoga and Year 6 had some reflection time completing Mindfulness colouring.

Staff Wellbeing for World Mental Health Day: