Home Learning Task – Day 27 – Wednesday 13th May

Dear Parents,

Please find attached tomorrow’s home learning task (13th May).

It is a project that will last all day and encompasses all three subjects. We hope you will have lots of fun and there will be lots of pictures to share with us!

As a result of tomorrow’s task, there will be no Facebook live lesson. It would be unfair to ask you to complete a days worth of work by 10am – we know things can be very stressful!

Please do send in your pictures as we love to see them!

Thank you for your continuing support

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Day 27 Home School Provision Daily Pack

Home Learning Tasks – Day 25 – Monday 11th May 2020

Dear Parents,

Not sure what’s happened! I did post this on Thursday but I can’t fond my own post (!) so I thought I would make it easier for everyone and post it again.

Please find attached tomorrow’s home learning tasks (11th May 2020).

We hope you enjoyed your bank holiday weekend!

Stay safe,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Day 25 Home School Provision Daily Pack

Alex’s Art work

Alex from 3W has been very busy with his art work. He has produced a beautiful Union Jack for VE Day celebrations. The flag turned out brilliantly and Alex should be very proud of himself.

Well done Alex!

Please keep sending me pictures of eveyrhting you are getting up to while you are at home!

Miss W

Great work Taleisha and her Dad!

Taleisha and her Dad have been very busy over the lockdown period! Together, they have made a bird table.

I hope we can all agree how impressive it is – I mean, it is taller than Taleisha !

I’m sure your bird house will be the local hot spot for all the birds of Newport!

Well done to Taleisha and her dad.

Please keep sending all your amazing pictures of how you are keeping busy!

Miss W

Wow – a great D&T project!

In Year 3 we set the D&T challenge to design and make a ‘parachute’ to protect an egg in a dangerous journey.

Isla from 3W has really risen to the task. She has produced great notes and planned her design brilliantly before using household items to make her project. She spent lots of time and effort creating her parachute. It protected the egg and she could still have it for her dinner! Isn’t it brilliant!

Well done Isla and thank you for sharing your home learning with us all.

Please keep the fab home learning pictures coming!

Miss W