Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 13th May – Day 27

Dear Parents and Year 5s,

Please bear in mind the following:

  • These activities are a guide for what you might work through with as a year 5 child.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day. Sometimes the tasks may take too long – don’t feel as though you have to complete them all that day, you can always catch up tomorrow! Likewise some of the tasks set are designed to be completed across the week – we have tried our best to emphasise this on the slides!
  • TTRS and learning off by heart times-tables, general reading, spelling patterns previously sent home are all also very important – these can be completed across the week to suit.

All three teachers are looking forward to seeing your work – please feel free to email any work you have completed to us so we can look at it. Also let us know if you would like any work sharing as we can publish it on our school website (the year 5 page) so other children in the year group can see what you have completed.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

Please find today’s work attached through this link. 16- Wednesday 13th May

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 12th May – Day 26

Dear Parents and Year 5’s,

The engagement of year 5 home learning has been amazing so far!

Please bear in mind the following:

  • These activities are a guide for what you might work through with as a year 5 child.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day. Sometimes the tasks may take too long – don’t feel as though you have to complete them all that day, you can always catch up tomorrow! Likewise some of the tasks set are designed to be completed across the week – we have tried our best to emphasise this on the slides!
  • TTRS and learning off by heart times-tables, general reading, spelling patterns previously sent home are all also very important – these can be completed across the week to suit.

All three teachers are looking forward to seeing your work – please feel free to email any work you have completed to us so we can look at it. Also let us know if you would like any work sharing as we can publish it on our school website (the year 5 page) so other children in the year group can see what you have completed.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

follow this link for today’s home learning 15- Tuesday 12th May

Bike component naming activity for all pupils

Hello all of Newport Junior School

I have noticed over the past few weeks that more and more people are getting out on their bikes!

This is Fantatstic! I myself love biking and i am really pleased to see everyone out enjoying it.

I wanted to create a short activity to develop some learning off this exciting activity. Attached is a short PowerPoint helping you learn and label the different parts found on a bike.

Have a go and see how much you already know!

You can produce as much or as little as you like. If you would like to share anything you have done please feel free to send anything to myself on

follow the link here Bike Bonanza label parts

Please be aware there is no expectation for this activity to be completed, participation is fully optional. If you do not wish to print the sheet try taking it in turns to point at a part of the bike and see if you can name it.

All the best,

Mr Lawson

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 11th May – Day 25

Dear Parents and Year 5s,

We hope you had a brilliant bank holiday weekend and took some time to celebrate and reflect on the 75th anniversary of VE day. It was amazing to see the preparation and celebration across NJS, if you have not managed to watch the NJS celebrationvideo please take a look and keep an eye out for those year 5 stars. If you have, its always worth seeing again!

The engagement in our home learning has been amazing so far!

Please bear in mind the following:

  • These activities are a guide for what you might work through with as a year 5 child.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day. Sometimes the tasks may take too long – don’t feel as though you have to complete them all that day, you can always catch up tomorrow! Likewise some of the tasks set are designed to be completed across the week – we have tried our best to emphasise this on the slides!
  • TTRS and learning off by heart times-tables, general reading, spelling patterns previously sent home are all also very important – these can be completed across the week to suit.

All three teachers are looking forward to seeing your work – please feel free to email any work you have completed to us so we can look at it. Also let us know if you would like any work sharing as we can publish it on our school website (the year 5 page) so other children in the year group can see what you have completed.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

Follow this link for the work slides; 14- Monday 11th May

Chocolate challenge

A couple weeks ago at the start of our chocolate challenge I gave any willing volunteers a task to complete around chocolate.

I asked them to research the manufacturing of chocolate from ‘Bean to Bar’. They were then asked to make a story board to demonstrate the processes.

The participation from all years was brilliant! It was a difficult decision to find the best from year 3 / 4 and year 5 / 6. I did manage this, and I focused  on the fantastic use of technical vocabulary.

I am happy to announce the winners of the challenge and their own height in chocolate are.

Brooke Blakemore – 4J

Toby Collins 5H (His example is below)

Congratulations to all who participated!!!



Chocolate Manufacturing challenge

Chocolate challenge week. Lets make sure we know where it comes from!

I have announced today that all pupils can compete in a competition to help understand the manufacturing (making) process involved around chocolate.

I would like children to research the process involved, which turns a cocoa bean into the wonderful thing that is a chocolate bar.

With this information I would like a story board completed showing the process in picture form as well as a description of what is happening.

All information is on the story board sheet.

There is a prize for the best from year 3 and 4 and the best from year 5 and 6. each winner will receive their height in chocolate!!!

Please ( follow link below) print or collect the story board sheets from Mr Lawson and return to his classroom by next Monday (9th).

I can not wait to see these exciting story boards.

chocolate challenge story board

chocolate challenge story board




5L website builders

Good morning,

As I have previously mentioned, as part of our topic and ICT work we have been creating websites. While the technology tried its best to stop us over two lessons we researched selected Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt and then learnt how to use this information to create websites.

I hope you will agree that these have turned out amazing, the combination of facts and media make them interesting and exciting to view. All websites have not been published due to some rather frustrating technical issues, however I will ensure these groups have the opportunity to complete these on Friday.

This was a new challenge for the children and myself but is something we hope to repeat later in the year.

Please use the links to view our created pages.

5L emails for websites

In 5L as part of our ICT and Topic lessons we are creating a website. To do this we needed to create a Gmail account in pairs.

I would like to alert parent to this fact and address that I have linked all accounts to my own school email address so I have access if needed. I have also asked children not to use this account at home to access the google.sites projects or to communicate with anyone. Please could this be supported by parents.

However I am very happy for the children to use what they have learnt at home and will be excited to see any webpages made using parents Gmail accounts.

I will give the children time to finish their pages tomorrow and look forward to seeing them published, I hope to share the webpages with yourselves as well.

All the best,

Mr Lawson


5L tasting Japan

What an amazing morning!

It was a privilege to be invited to NGHS this morning to participate in a ‘taste of Japan’ day, one that 5L could not refuse. It was ran by Mr and Mr’s Fujii- Fuji Sensei- who shared their expert knowledge and taught us many things about Japanese culture. We learnt how to bow to say hello, introduce ourselves by poking our noses, safe ways to cross the road and how to protect ourselves during an earth quake.

There were many challenges including the attempt at mastering the correct use of chopsticks and taking great care to fold our own origami dogs. The morning finished off with a fantastic lesson in how to make sushi, where groups had the opportunity to choose the ingredients that would be rolled into sushi before Mr Lawson’s favourite part of  taste testing.

Myself, Mr Higgins and Mr Leonard were very impressed with the behaviour demonstrated during this trip. I am very happy to say 5L were brilliant representatives of NJS, showing excellent manners and keen attitudes.



Cross Country update

Good morning all,

I wanted to take an opportunity to congratulate all of the cross country runners on their success over the previous two races. We have not only had some amazing results but the atmosphere in the NJS area has been brilliant! Both children and parents alike have shown a fantastic attitude towards our runners and all of those across Telford and Wrekin, which has made it a highly enjoyable event for myself and the other members of staff.

I wanted to let all runners and parents/guardians know the results from the previous two races are available to see in my classroom window (5L). However they are also available to view at home on twitter. If any runners are unsure on their number please feel free to ask and i will check at the next opportunity.

The next, and final, race of 2019 will be held at the Deer park next Wednesday (10th April 2019). I look forward to seeing all runners there and some more amazing results. Remember, it is only your best two positions out of the three races that count toward out final score.

All the best,

Mr Lawson