4NJ’s Class Assembly

Dear Parents and Guardians,

 I would just like to remind you that children will need to bring in their outfits for our class assembly either tomorrow morning or Friday morning at the latest thank you. Our assembly will start at 2:50pm so you are welcome to arrive at 2:50pm. Children will also need to bring their p.e kits on Friday too.

Kindest regards Mrs Jukes

Year 4’s trip to the Sea Life Centre on Monday 7th of October

Dear Parents and Guardians,

A polite reminder that on Monday and Tuesday next week, year 4 will be going to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. If you have not yet returned your slip, please make sure your child returns it tomorrow. Also, could we remind you that all children will need to be in Newport Junior school uniform on these days.

Following from this, although there is a mufti day where children can wear pyjamas and other sleep apparel on Monday, children who will be attending the trip on Monday need to wear school uniform. The children in Mrs Sisson’s class will be reminded tomorrow which day they are going.

Kind regards,

Year 4 team

Year 3 Information for final week

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We have several messages to share with you for our final week at school:

Please find attached a letter (click the link below) concerning the year 3 scheme of work for RSE, which will be delivered in lessons on Thursday 19th July.RSE Parents letter Year 3.docx

  • P.E. kit: Please ensure your child has their P.E kit in school every day this week.
  • Tuesday 17th July, Grand Day Out: Children need to come to school dressed in P.E. kit with water bottle, sun hat and sun cream if needed. School books and normal classroom kit will not be required today.
  • Thursday 19th July, Church assembly 8:50am.
  • Please can all children bring a carrier bag to carry home completed work and school books.
  • Class 3P and 3B children will need to bring in an old newspaper to wrap their clay tiles in order to take home.
  • Also there will be no more homework for this year.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope you have a great summer holiday. Regards the year 3 team 🙂