Blue 4 a Loo – Friday 24th March

As part of our ongoing efforts to develop Global Citizenship Education in our children, we will be holding a Blue 4 a Loo mufti day on Friday 24th March.

We ask that all children come to school wearing blue clothing for a £1 voluntary donation. All funds raised will go towards our contribution to Toilet Twinning – a campaign to fund toilet blocks in some of the poorest countries across the world.

Our Global Avengers led an assembly this week on the issue, and will be helping to run a series of activities on this day. There will also be a cake sale where all items will be available for voluntary donations.

Our effort links in with our school values of Courage, Community & Compassion and we are excited that our children will be able to play their part in bringing about change for those most in need.

For more information on GCE, please visit our school webpage:

For more information on Toilet Twinning, please visit the official campaign website:

NJS Science Day 2023

Children and staff enjoyed a fabulous assembly today, led by Mr Lawson, our resident Science expert, on the subject of Solids, Liquids and Gases, watching how they can change state, the theme of this year’s Science Week!

Breaking solids

 Melting ice with Mr Leonard!

Making Elephant Toothpaste!