Year 3 PE kits

Dear parents,

As we are now required to be in school in uniform again, some children are not suitably dressed for PE any more. Therefore, please could you send children in with their PE kit bags on a Monday, to leave in school and take home on a Friday?

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 TTRS new battle

Dear all,

Get involved in this week’s TTRS battle – Year 3 boys vs Year 3 girls!

Currently, the boys are just edging it, but that could all change – come on girls!

The battle will end at 14:35 on Friday this week, so get playing!


Mr B.

Year 3 Home Learning Tasks – 22.02.21

Dear Parents,

We hope you have had a lovely, relaxing break!

Please find attached the slides for tomorrow’s home learning.

If you have any questions or would like to share any work please email

Thank you for your continuing support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 22.02.21 PDF

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 22.02.21