Yr 5 Swimming at Newport Town Pool

Usually at this time of year we have our swimming galas. Being not fully aware of children’s swimming abilities and with many children having missed traditional swimming lessons, we will not be holding our traditional galas. However, we will still be taking the children along for an extra swimming session.

We will be taking the children in house team groups with their swimming kits on:

Monday 17th – Yr 5 Red and Blue house children

Monday 24th – Yr 5 Yellow and Green house children

The children will be back at NJS for Norma collection times.

Yr 5 will be still swimming on Thursday 20th and 27th at NJS.


Team Year 5 x

50 Years of Mr Men/Little Miss Week 24th-28th May

As part of our exciting Mr Men/Little Miss week the children will be creating their own book versions and characters. To do this we will need to look at different versions of the stories/characters. As a school, and from our own personal supplies, we have a few copies but not enough for the year group. If you have ANY of the Mr Men or Little Miss series of books please could you label them up and send them into school for one of the three Yr 5 class teachers, as they will all be used.

Please also note that on Friday 28th May it is our Dress Up day as a Mr Men/Little Miss character – this can be as a character they are designing and writing about themselves that week, OR as a well known character from one of the Roger Hargreaves stories.

If they are dressing as their own character then they may need to complete some designing/writing with you beforehand. You may wish to talk to your child about the features and attributes of all Mr Men/Little Miss character.

Thank you for your continued support

Team Yr 5

Mr.M, Miss.H, Mr.L, Mr.P, Mrs.J, Mrs.T & Mrs.N x


Year 5 Mindfulness Club

Message for all children signed up for the year 5 Mindfulness Club starting on Wednesday this week. Children are welcome to bring some comfortable clothes to change into, and if they wish they can also bring a cushion, a blanket and a snack.

Miss Hardy

Year 5 Topic Work Resources


As part of our topic “Enough for Everyone” we will be investigating Hydro Power. On Friday 14th May, the children will be making their own Hydro Power machine as part of renewable sources of energy.

To complete this each child will need to bring these items into school from home:

  • A clean milk or juice bottle
  • A piece of stiff cardboard
  • A cotton reel
  • 8 plastic teaspoons.

We have a number of other items needed which school will provide.

Please could every child have these items in school on Friday 14th May – this will enable every child to bring a Hydro Power machine home.

Thank you for your support

Team year 5 x

5M Topic Homework

As part of our topic “Enough for Everyone” children will need to find food items in their homes, cupboards and fridges and identify where it comes from e.g. on grapes from Tesco’s on the front it tells us “Produce from Spain.”

The children will be bringing home a table labelled Food item and Where it comes from  – these are the only two columns the children will need to complete.

We will be completing this lesson next Friday (7th), so the sheet need be brought back into school then.

Many thanks

Mr M

Yr 5 Stamp Design Homework

As part of our Art Curriculum we have entered our school to take part in the Royal Mail’s Heroes Stamp Design competition.

The link tells you all you need to know about the competition:  https://www.stampcompetition.ichild.co.uk/

So we can enter we would like the Yr 5 Designs back by Friday 7th May. So you only have 1 week!!!

We have entered Yr 5 into this competition and the prizes are amazing; 8 children will be selected for £1000 school vouchers as well as £500 and £100 vouchers too.

Below is an image of what the children will be bringing home to complete their design on.

Many thanks

Team Year 5 x