5H home learning day 5 Monday 16th November

Hello 5H! I hope you’ve all had a nice weekend, even if you have been stuck at home! Here is your work for today. I hope by now you have received an invitation from Mrs Moody for 2 Teams meetings today:

11.00am with me: I have missed you all so much so I can’t wait for a catch up! I will also be going through your English work which I have set for today, so don’t do that before the Teams.

1.45pm with Mrs M: assembly

See you soon! Love Miss H xxx

5H home learning Day 5 Monday 16th November

Children in Need

It is mufti in school tomorrow for Children in Need: you can partake at home, maybe consider how you could show your support for the cause…. perhaps wear something spotty?!

Maybe you could join the Joe Wickes PE Challenge: https://www.bbc.co.uk/events/ebn84f/live/cg3g9r

If you do something to mark Children in Need and would like your photo on our website please send it to nicola.moody@taw.org.uk

ParentMail: Message for isolating children

We are sending invitations to Teams Meetings via ParentMail in order to support online security.  IF you are struggling to access your ParentMail please email me: nicola.moody@taw.org.uk identifying the name of your child and class and I will email the link to you.

No one needs to miss a Teams Meeting: each evening on the website we will confirm times for meetings: if you haven’t got the link email me and I will ensure you have it.

Thank you for your support.