Alton Towers tomorrow

Year 6 are VERY excited about our visit to Alton Towers tomorrow (Monday)! Here are some reminders:

  • Arrive at school for 8:30am for an 8:45am departure.
  • Bring a packed lunch, unless in receipt of free school meals and pre-ordered from kitchen.
  • Wear suitable clothing for the weather, e.g., raincoat/ cap
  • Wear closed-in shoes
  • If warm, pack sun cream
  • Pack a refillable water bottle
  • Children are allowed to bring £5 to spend in the gift shop.
  • We will be back at school for approximately 6:30pm. Please keep checking Facebook for a more accurate time.

Any questions, please feel free to email a member of the year 6 team.

Thank you

London Update

NJS Team London have been very busy memory making this week, what a super time they have had in our capital city!
Thank you to parent and carers for their support and to the children for being amazing and a credit to us all .
Huge thanks to Mr Rotherham, Mr Jones, Mrs Green, Mrs Bold and Mrs Stanley for giving their time to make this experience possible.

The coach is making its way out of London and they are expecting to stop for tea around 4.30pm. We will update on Facebook around 5.30pm an approximate return time to NJS. Please share this update with each other so everyone can be ready for prompt collection (please keep Avenue Road clear for the coach).

Thank you all again.
Mrs M

Children left in school

We have lots of activities planned while some of the children are in London.

You should have received a note about a walk to Greggs. Looking at the weather forecast, the best day to go is tomorrow (Wednesday). The children will be allowed to bring up to £5 on our walk in an envelope with their name on in a wallet. If there are any questions please contact school.

We also have an art project planned and would appreciate cardboard, bubble wrap and small containers brought in tomorrow if you have any around the house.

The children will need their PE kits on Thursday.

URGENT: Year 6 photography

ALL children who attended the photography workshop last week at Chetwynd Deer Park have the opportunity to submit a photo into the competition and have it displayed at the showground.

We currently have 59 photos, so quite a few outstanding.  It would be great for all of our children to share their work in this event.

For your photograph to be submitted it MUST be emailed to by 7.30pm today.

Mrs Moody


Alton Towers Monday

Year 6 are VERY excited about our visit to Alton Towers on Monday 17th June! Here are some reminders:

  • Arrive at school for 8:30am for an 8:45am departure.
  • Bring a packed lunch, unless in receipt of free school meals and pre-ordered from kitchen.
  • Wear suitable clothing for the weather, e.g., raincoat/ cap
  • Wear closed-in shoes
  • If warm, pack sun cream
  • Pack a refillable water bottle
  • Children are allowed to bring £5 to spend in the gift shop.
  • We will be back at school for approximately 6:30pm. Please keep checking Facebook for a more accurate time.

Any questions, please feel free to email a member of the year 6 team.

Thank you