We have a very kind team of parent/carer helpers coming to sort out the Lost Property box on Thursday.

They will sort through the items ensuring any with names are returned to children (we try to keep on top of this but may miss some) and will lay out the rest of the items for parents to claim.

Please make your way to the front of the school office on Thursday 3.15pm onwards to reclaim your lost property!

Any still unclaimed after Easter will be placed in our pre loved uniform store or taken to a local charity shop.

Thank you for your support.

3PW Beech’s Base

3PW will be at Beech’s Base on Tuesday 19th March.

Remember to come to school wearing warm outdoor clothing suitable for the forest (including wellies/boots/old trainers). Please remember to bring a spare pair of shoes for wearing inside during the day.

Many thanks.

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 13th March

  1. Complete reading comprehension sheet. This is designed to encourage speed & efficiency when reading.
  2. Complete online maths practise paper. This is a new website we are using. Children should all have their log on within their homelink book and a letter has gone home which gives instructions on how to access this.

Please encourage your child to complete homework to a high standard. This is part of our on-going effort to ensure the children are prepared for the transition to secondary school.