Yr 6 Homework

Homework due in by Wednesday 7th February.

  1. Complete Yr 5/6 statutory spelling words including paragraph of writing in context.
  2. Complete mini SPaG test covering lots of aspects from punctuation & grammar.
  3. Complete mini arithmetic test – we advise that the children have a 20 minute time limit on this, to reflect the need for efficiency in their SATs. 

Weekly homework is part of our on-going effort to best prepare our children for the transition to secondary school and we greatly appreciate your support at home with this.

3T W/B 5th Feb

Dear Parents/Guardians of 3T,

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support since the children started at NJS in September. They have all made a brilliant start to their time here and I have truly enjoyed teaching them. I am confident that they will enjoy having Mrs Pearson and Mrs Wheat too.

As you will be aware, next week is very busy so please see events below:

Monday: Swimming

Tuesday: Safer internet day. PE. The class in the afternoon will have chance to spend time with Mrs Pearson.

Wednesday: Beech’s Base in the afternoon so as always please send your child in outdoor clothing suitable for the forest. Please ensure the children have suitable footwear (ideally wellies).

Thursday: Wax work museum day. The class will also have chance to spend time with Mrs Wheat after lunch before the wax work museum.

Friday: Please have PE kits in school as I intend to do some extra PE with the class. Break for half-term.


Mr Tipton 🙂