Class 3B Important Messages and Dates

Dear Parents and Carers,

Last week, 3B won our in-school competition for registering on time, called ‘Beat-the-Bell’. As a reward, (children in 3B only) can wear MUFTI this Friday (2nd February) – well done everyone!

On Tuesday 6th February, children in 3B will have Beech’s Base in the afternoon, and can come dressed in their Beech’s Base clothing, appropriate for the weather. Please send them in with boots in a bag, and waterproof, warm clothing. They MUST have a change of footwear for the morning session.

Finally, if you have already provided your child with a card backdrop for their Waxwork Museum display work, thank you very much – some of these look amazing already. Children are really excited to show you what they have done in class to add to these. We would be really grateful to those who haven’t if they could find something for their children to present their work on – any large cardboard / large cardboard box to deconstruct will do!

Thank you all for helping with this,

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Class 3B PE kit needed tomorrow (Thursday 1st February)

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a quick reminder that PE kits are required on Monday, to be left in school and taken home on Friday. Thank you to all those children who did have their kits today!

Today, five children did not have PE kits in school, which creates a supervision issue,  and also deprives those children of learning new skills / knowledge.

For tomorrow, children will need their PE kit for an extra lesson, with Mr Humphries. Please ensure they have their kit, and are prepared for indoor OR outdoor PE, bearing in mind it is cold outside! (bring joggers and sweatshirt as well, just in case).

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler