Year 3 Lunch and Learn: Tuesday 5th November

Year 3 Lunch and Learn letter

Please find attached a letter with details about Year 3 Lunch and Learn on the 5th November.

The menu on this date is pizza followed by chocolate sponge and custard.

We do need numbers by the end of Monday 21st October so if you wish to attend please do confirm this on ParentPay.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M

3B Beech’s Base

Afternoon all

It was 3B’s first time in Beech’s Base today!  We know the children were very excited and they had a great hour exploring our outdoor learning area.

We did cut the session shorter due to the persistent heavy rain; the children came into the hall to dry off and enjoyed a biscuit a games.

Please can we ask that when the children go to Beech’s Base they have appropriate clothing: layers, long trousers and long sleeves, waterproof coat, waterproof trousers and wellies. With the correct clothing children will be warm and dry.  Please ensure all items are named.

Thank you for your support, we hope for a full afternoon next time and to be able to get the fire going for some cooking!

Mrs M


Class 3B Chetwynd Deer Park

A super afternoon was had, deer-spotting and learning about old farming methods! Well done 3B

3M Chetwynd Deer Park 15/10/24

3M had a fab morning at Chetwynd Deer Park. They were complimented for their super behaviour and excellent knowledge. As you can see from the photos below we had a super morning! A huge thank you to Sally and Martin and the team at the Deer Park who supported us today!

Class 3B Beech’s Base tomorrow pm (16/10/24)

Dear Parents and Carers of 3B,

As you will know, we have our first Beech’s Base session tomorrow afternoon.

Please ensure you send your child in wearing their Beech’s Base clothing, i.e.: fairly similar to today’s clothing, wearing a pair of normal trainers for the inside, and their wellies in a bag.

They will need clothing that they don’t mind getting muddy, as I am told it is quite boggy down there! Wellies ARE advised – trainers may get ruined by the mud.

Also, please send them with a raincoat, as rain is forecast for later in the day.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Class 3B Parents Consultation reply slips

Dear Parents and Carers of 3B,

Just a polite reminder to say that there are still some spaces to come and see me on Monday for a 10 minute consultation about your child. If you would like to do this, please contact me via the letter form that was sent home, or by email, on

The morning sessions are reserved for telephone conversations / Microsoft TEAMS calls, and the afternoon is for face-to-face conversations in the school hall.

Please ignore this message if you have already organised your consultation.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Year 3 – polite request – please name your uniform/ kit.

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 3,

As you can imagine, there are moment when children’s clothing and belongings go awry, and is mixed up with other clothing from the class they are in.

Today, we have spent the best part of 1/2 hour sorting out whose white polo shirt was whose, because very few were labelled with names, following the swimming lesson. We are not allowed to be in the changing room to organise your child’s belongings, and they are advised to carefully fold their clothes and store them in their swimming bags. As you can imagine, this sometimes does not happen!

Please ensure ALL your child’s belonging and clothes are clearly name-labelled, as it is very easy to return items that are correctly labelled up.  Simply writing with a biro on their labels will suffice.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler & Mr Moody

Year 3 Chetwynd walk tomorrow

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know, Year 3 will be visiting Chetwynd Deer Park tomorrow, within the school day.

Class 3M need to come to school dressed to go, wearing clothing that will keep them warm and dry, as they are going in the morning.  They should bring shoes to change into for INSIDE, for the afternoon session in school, as they will return for lunch.

Class 3B should come dressed to go, but with their boots / wellies / outdoor shoes in a bag, ready to change into, as they are going after lunch, in the afternoon.

E.G.: a pair of joggers or leggings, layers on top, warm jumper, hat if needed, raincoat, wellies if comfortable to walk in, or walking boots (if you have them) – they can wear trainers but it would be better if they wore something that will keep the water out, in case of rain / wet grass etc.

Hopefully, this clarifies any questions you may have.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.