Year 3 Spelling homework week commencing 27.2.17

For the next few weeks, children will get spellings and tables homework to practice, plus the usual reading homework. However, their additional homework until Friday 17th March will be to make a full-sized Roman soldier’s shield. We would like the shields to be approximately 1m tall and rectangular /curved in design, if possible. Children can use a range of materials to decorate their shields, according to traditional Roman designs. It can match their planned shield from school, but doesn’t have to. We would recommend completing the shield a little bit at a time, rather than last minute, as this often leads to last minute issues that cannot be resolved in time! Please come and speak to us if you are unsure about any aspect of this project. Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 3 Team.

(Apologies – this was meant to be posted by 17.2.17 – however, all children should have been made aware by class teachers anyway.)

Week 8 Year 3 spellings and homework 2017

Year 3 Swimming – Tuesdays

Dear Year 3 Parents,
Please ensure your child has their swimming kit on a Tuesday this half term until Easter.
On Thursdays they will need their full, ordinary PE kit, as usual.
The Year 3 Team