VE Day celebrations.8th May

Hello NJS!

A week on Friday, it will be 75 years since VE Day- Victory in Europe day, marking the end of World War II in Europe. We were planning a tea party in school, but as we are not going to be there, we would like you to host your own tea party at home. You could make your own bunting and flags or do a bit of cooking with traditional wartime treats! There is a website with recipe ideas and things you could do.

However you decide to join in the celebrations, we would love to see and share the pictures.

Find out about VE Day on these links.

There are activities in the link below that use the information from the clips above.

VE day

Year 3 Home Learning Task – Day 11 – 20th April 2020

Dear Parents,

We hope you have enjoyed your ‘Easter break’ and that you are all safe and well.

Here is Mondayhome learning task (20th April 2020).

Remember Miss Watson is doing live maths teaching at 10am everyday next week – she hopes to see you!

Stay safe!

Thank you for your continuing support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Day 11 Home School Provision Daily Pack