NJS Big Sing Moana Workshop

Good afternoon everyone,

Here is this week’s virtual singing workshop. This is the first song of this year’s Big Sing and one that lots of you love – Moana! Here is the link to the unlisted Youtube workshop made especially for the Big Sing by TACT.

I would love to hear how you get on taking part in the workshop!

Have a lovely weekend and keep an eye out next week for the next song workshop…

Miss Hardy

Youtube link: https://youtu.be/XRV7ceairTM

Big Sing 2021 Workshop 1 (How Far I’ll Go)

Mr M’s Greatest Football Team in the World Challenge! Answers!

Well done to all the Year 3  and Year 4 children who took part in this challenge the answer is below!  Watch this space for some more Stoke City themed questions!!

Mr M

Mr M’s Greatest Football Team in the World Challenge!

Hi Yr 3 and Yr 4

Many of you know I’m a huge football fan – especially for the “Greatest Football Team in the World,” Stoke City!

Here is a Maths challenge I’d like you to do! Email your answers to me – I’ll be looking for the children with the best calculations to win a prize! Answers revealed on Monday!

Best of luck!

Mr M x


NJS Art whole school challenge

Hello NJS!

I hope you are all keeping well and busy during our current lockdown. I would just like to share two art challenges with you. Please feel free to have a go and e-mail your year groups or teachers your pictures once you have completed them. Enjoy everyone and take care 🙂

Art Challenge 1

Art Challenge 2