Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) and homework in Year 3

Dear Parents,

Over the next few weeks, you may notice that when your children log on to TTRS that they cannot access all the areas they could before. This is because teachers will be setting up tasks for their class to complete before they can access other areas of the program, to target specific tables, or develop accuracy and response times. Once the tasks are completed, children should be able to access all areas as before.

Please ask if you have any questions.

Also, just a quick reminder to CLASS 3B ONLY, that their homework is due on THURSDAYS, not Fridays, as per the message last week.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Science tomorrow

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow, we will be conducting our Disclosing Tablet / toothbrushing experiment in classes across Year 3. Please ensure that your child remembers to bring their toothbrush /paste in a plastic bag if they wish to take part. Also, they MUST return their permission slip, which was sent out by letter last week.

If you require another permission letter, please download and complete the attached letter, or read it and date / sign a homelink message in your child’s homelink book,  giving permission, stating that you have read the contents of the letter attached.

Finally, the date on the letter should read Wednesday 6th February. Apologies for any confusion!

(NB: you MUST state that you have read the contents of the letter if you are sending a homelink. Thanks!)

Disclosure Tablets Letter


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings and Homework to be tested Friday 8th February

Dear Parents,

This week, and from now on, Class 3B will have their spelling tests and homework due date as a THURSDAY. Therefore, children in 3B need to get their homework done and spelling learned for Thursday 7th February next week.

Class 3P and 3J spelling / homework due dates will remain with the same days that they are currently using. Please contact your class’s teacher if you are unsure.

Please help your children learn their spellings by writing each word out several times, playing games with them (hangman, spelling tennis etc).

Children will be tested on their 3x, 4x and 5x tables this week during Times tables Rock Stars (TTRS) and during their ‘in school’ tests. We would like them to be allowed to access TTRS at least 5 mins every day, if possible.

Week 5 Year 3 Spelling and homework to be tested 8.2.19

Homework this week is a verb tenses sheet. Please support your child to complete this.

Thank you.

The Year 3 Team


Class 3B Newport Library Visit tomorrow 29.1.19

Dear Parents,

Class 3B will be visiting Newport library tomorrow afternoon, returning to school by 3.30pm. Please ensure that your child is well-wrapped up in a warm coat, and has their Newport Library card, if they have one.


Mr Butler

Year 3 Homework and Spellings for 31.1.19

Dear Parents,

Spellings and Tables will be tested on Thursday 31st January next week, due to NJS holding a Music Day on Friday. Homework this week is to complete your Roman Display work, as per last week’s instructions. If you have already completed this, please focus on Reading, or use the extra time to raise your score on Times Tables Rock Stars. Don’t forget to fill in your reading diary at least 3 times for the week, and try to read with an adult at least 3 times.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Week 4 Year 3 spellings to be tested 31.1.19

Year 3 Spellings and Homework – to be tested 25.1.19

Dear parents,
Apologies again for the late posting of the spellings and homework – although your children should have paper copies of everything they need. Spellings this week are the same for each group – please see your class teacher if you require further explanation.

Please encourage your children to access Times Tables Rock Stars, preferably on a tablet as it is easier, at least 3-5 times per week for the first few months, as this will help them to develop their times tables fluency and accuracy much more quickly. It is free to use.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

Week 3 Year 3 Spellings to be tested 25.1.19


Class 3B PE times Spring 2019 1st half term

Dear parents,

Class 3B and 3P will be doing PE on Mondays and Thursdays this half term.

Class 3J will be doing PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays this half term.

Please ensure your child has their PE kit for these lessons.

Thank you for your support.

The Year 3 Team.


The NHS are in school tomorrow offering the flu spray to children in Years 3, 4 and 5.  However they will only receive the spray if we have a completed permission form.

There are 75 children who have not sent a form into school; please note that if this is not received in the morning they will not get the flu spray.

Please collect a form from the office if you need one.