Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 7.2.20

Dear Parents,

Apologies for the late post – we forget to up load these. Hopefully your child should have brought home their spellings and homework last week, on Friday.

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 7.2.20

Homework for February

Over the next week, children need to complete their Roman poster homework for Friday 7th February. 

After this, Year 3 will be studying Roman shield designs. As part of their studies, homework until Friday 28th February will be to make a full-sized shield.During this period, Reading and Spelling homework will continue as usual.

Children may use a variety of materials to make their shields. In the past, we have had mainly painted cardboard ones, made from large cardboard box materials, various coloured foils for decoration, cardboard tubes or pieces of wood for handles and papier mâché designs on the fronts / sometimes small plastic bowls or foil pie-casings covered in paint /glue mixtures for the ‘lumps’ on the front of their shields.

We would like the Roman shields to be approximately 1m high. Children can use a range of materials to make and decorate their shields according to their planned design.

Please ask us if you need any further guidance.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings and Homework to be tested 31.1.20

Dear Parents,

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 31.01.20

Attached are the spellings and homework for this week.

Please help your child to read at least three times out loud to you, and record it in their Reading Diary. In addition, children need to be allowed access to Times Tables Rock Stars, for about 5-10mins every day, to help them increase fluency and accuracy. This week, the tests will be on all their tables! As usual, 3B will test spellings on Thursday 30th, with 3P / 3W testing on Friday 31st January.

Finally, we would like children to complete a ‘Roman’ poster, of display quality, (min. size A4) about any aspect of Roman Life they wish. Suggestions could be gladiators, Roman Baths, Roman Gods, the Colosseum, daily Roman life, Roman Emperors, the Roman Empire and Legacy. The Roman poster is due for completion in two weeks, on Friday 7th February.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 spellings and homework to be tested 24.1.20

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings to be tested 24.01.20

Please support your children to learn their spellings over the next week. Children in 3B will be tested on Thursday as usual, and 3P / 3W on Friday.

Children should have brought home their homework by the end of Friday this week, which consists of a multiplication sheet for supporting their Maths work in class. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.

As usual, children need to continue to practice their TTRS work, for a test next week on their 8x, 9x and 10x tables.

Some children have yet to complete a ‘Soundcheck’ round on TTRS. This prevents them from getting a baseline level. Please ensure your child completes a ‘Soundcheck’ this week. It is only 25 questions, but they can be from any tables group.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings extra week

Dear Parents,

We have decided to give the children an extra week to learn their spellings. Therefore, there will be NO test this week.

Week 2 Year 3 Spellings to be tested 17.01.20

3W /3P will be tested on 17.1.19 (Friday)

3B will be tested on 16.1.19 (Thursday)

Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 3 Team


Year 3 Spellings and Homework for the rest of the year.

Dear Parents,

A big thank you to all parents for supporting your children to achieve well in their homework and spellings this term!

For the rest of the term there will be no more spellings,but we will still be expecting children to practice their TTRS work and to continue reading at least 3 times per week, recording in their Reading Record books.  We will continue to reward this with house points.

Please support your child to learn their lines for the play.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 6.12.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 6.12.19

Please help your children to continue to read at home at least 3x per week; please remember to fill in your reading diary every time you read. Please learn 6x and 7x tables for a test next Friday (3B Thursday). Homework this week is the same as last week – put each of your spelling words into a sentence – make them as interesting / complex as you can – try to include a simile, a fronted adverbial, some description or –ing / -ly / -ed starters. Challenge yourself! As usual, more effort = more house points!

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings and Homework to be tested 29.11.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 Spellings and Hwk to be tested 29.11.19

Please ensure children are reading with you at least 3 times, recording their reading in their reading diaries. Children need to learn 3x, 4x and 5x tables for next Friday. Writing focus homework – to be completed in Orange homework books – children need to write 10 interesting sentences, one for each spelling word they have to learn.

Thank you for your support,


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings and Homework to be tested 22.11.19

Dear parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 22.11.19

Homework this week will be to keep up the reading and learning 6x and 7x times tables skills, using TTRS, for a test next Friday (Thursday for 3B). For homework this week, children should try to find out and record some information about Emmeline Pankhurst, who is class 3B’s ‘Courageous Advocate’ for this term and record a paragraph or some sentences about her in their orange homework books. Children could find out who she was, when she lived, what she did and why, and the effects of her courage on the world and how it makes them feel / how she inspires them. Over the year, we will be finding out about other famous ‘courageous advocates’, who stood up for their beliefs in some way or another.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings and homework

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 8.11.19

Children should continue to read at home and fill in their diary. They need to practice their 6x tables and spellings for a test on Friday 8th November (Thursday 7th for 3B). Children should also continue to practice their 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x and 10x tables, using TTRS and the Studio / Garage section of the program.

For the next three weeks, we would like the children to work on producing a poster about Stonehenge. This can include a picture of Stonehenge, some explanation about the types of stones, how and when it was built and what people think it was used for, plus any other interesting facts that you find out. Please make them beautiful and well-presented, so we can display them! The posters may be hand-crafted or produced on computer, and are due in on Friday 15th November.

We would like to thank you for helping us to get your children settled in this half term, and we wish you a safe and happy half-term holiday!

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.